I still don’t think you really understand what I’m saying. In my opinion, the gut instincts that you feel is coming from your heart. Me and you just have a different way of seeing things. But I’m a little confused…Why do you somehow think that getting married isn’t following the teachings of the Catholic Church? She’s getting married, her instincts tell her that it’s right, her heart tells her that it’s right, and the church also tells her that it is right. So what’s your point? I’m not trying to be rude and please forgive me if I am, but I just don’t understand where you are coming from on this issue. Yes listening to some advice is good, but all of those people don’t always know what is right for you, they know what is right for them, therefore sometimes you have to follow your own heart, instincts, conscience, gut, whatever you want to call it…in union with the Catholic church. I will say this again, as others have as well, if I took the advice that all of those “older, wiser” people gave me, I wouldn’t be married right now and I wouldn’t be expecting the miracle of life coming to me in February. So I think your wrong on this one, following others advice, especially in situations like this is not always a good thing. Following your HEART is. It is up to us as human beings to live and make our own mistakes. Living a life according to everyone elses advice/beliefs will only cause more problems.