Atheism is unnatural

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Another example of the subjectivity of morality is capital punishment.
today it is taught to be immoral.
Capital punishment has always been taught to be immoral unless certain circumstances exist, i.e., the guilty party’s identity and responsibility have been fully determined, and it is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor. The latter circumstance is novel because the technology of prison security is novel.
Another example of the subjectivity of morality is capital punishment.
today it is taught to be immoral.
Capital punishment has always been taught to be immoral unless certain circumstances exist, i.e., the guilty party’s identity and responsibility have been fully determined, and it is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor. The latter circumstance is novel because the technology of prison security is novel.
A much better way to phrase it.
Dan: What is the point of avoiding accidents and fatalities?
Well I think being in an accident would be painful, and expensive, and just a nuisance overall. Being killed would make it very difficult to do the things I enjoy.
What is the good that speed limits are pursuant to?
Speed limits reduce the chance of accidents of fatalities. You want me to conclude the only reason I don’t want to die in an accident with a speeder is because a higher power dictated that to me.
No Dan I don’t want you to conclude that. I am asking you a simple question:
What is the purpose of speed limits? What good do they serve?

You responded :
Speed limits reduce the chance of accidents of fatalities.
Dan: What is the point of avoiding accidents and fatalities?
Please note that not all societies “decide” to avoid accidents and fatalities, as the last century’s dictators demonstrated.
At some point you will have to admit that an objective value undergirds something as simple as speed limits, something that is independent of your opinion and your whim…ie “objective”.
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Please note that not all societies “decide” to avoid accidents and fatalities, as the last century’s dictators demonstrated.
And the instruction to kill the Midianites before that.
Please note that not all societies “decide” to avoid accidents and fatalities, as the last century’s dictators demonstrated.
And the instruction to kill the Midianites before that.
Exactly. Thank you.
(atheists be like "whew…thank god for fundamentalists! They pull you out of a logical problem every time! )
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Exactly. Thank you.
(atheists be like "whew…thank god for fundamentalists! They pull you out of a logical problem every time! )
It was more pointing out you never addressed my questions about whether slavery was objectively moral.
Exactly. Thank you.
(atheists be like "whew…thank god for fundamentalists! They pull you out of a logical problem every time! )
It was more pointing out you never addressed my questions about whether slavery was objectively moral.
You are seriously asking me, as an obvious Catholic Christian, if slavery is moral?
How long have you been here.

by the way, you are dodging. (I never spoke about slavery Dan)
Maybe if the thread scrolls by far enough you can avoid this problem?:
Please note that not all societies “decide” to avoid accidents and fatalities, as the last century’s dictators demonstrated.
At some point you will have to admit that an objective value undergirds something as simple as speed limits, something that is independent of your opinion and your whim…ie “objective”.
You really think? For instance…
It’s good to quote the position, and quote the misunderstanding.

I just did that above with Dan.
I really do think so. The tone is often pretty condescending and what I consider rude.

If the purpose of sharing thoughts and ideas is to convince someone they are wrong, then what is the point? That isn’t going to happen.

I am of the belief that the purpose of sharing thoughts and ideas should be to gain a better understanding of the other person, the other view. These threads become tiresome because, instead of thoughtful inquiry the thread just becomes a place to insult the intelligence of others, make assumptions, and eventually tell others about who they are and what they are about.

I try not to tell others about themselves. It certainly happens. We all fall short. But it gets out of hand here.

I am going to mute this thread now, because I have allowed it to steal my joy while I am reading it.
You really think? For instance…
It’s good to quote the position, and quote the misunderstanding.

I just did that above with Dan.
I really do think so. The tone is often pretty condescending and what I consider rude.

If the purpose of sharing thoughts and ideas is to convince someone they are wrong, then what is the point? That isn’t going to happen.

I am of the belief that the purpose of sharing thoughts and ideas should be to gain a better understanding of the other person, the other view. These threads become tiresome because, instead of thoughtful inquiry the thread just becomes a place to insult the intelligence of others, make assumptions, and eventually tell others about who they are and what they are about.

I try not to tell others about themselves. It certainly happens. We all fall short. But it gets out of hand here.

I am going to mute this thread now, because I have allowed it to steal my joy while I am reading it.
What is the point? Not enough listening goin on.

I’m going over to and having reasoned discussion about spaghetti monsters.
You are seriously asking me, as an obvious Catholic Christian, if slavery is moral?
How long have you been here.

by the way, you are dodging. (I never spoke about slavery Dan)
No I’m not seriously asking, it’s rhetorical. I suspect we both say it’s immoral. You may go further and say it’s objectively immoral. I would say it’s a bit curious that people only really started to agree it was immoral when changing technology made manual labor less emphasized. We changed, and I think most would agree it’s for the better. The only real question is why does god’s word contain instructions for how to navigate a immoral system of human ownership if it was objectively wrong?

And I’m not dodging, I answered your question as to why avoiding accidents and fatalities is good.
Given that at any point in human history, over 95% of people worldwide were/are theistic, it then follows that atheism is unnatural to the human experience.
God exists, and there is nothing anybody can do about it; and why would you want to? It is the only concept worth considering in terms of ultimate causes. Everything else is just in my opinion a weak excuse, an opportunity to say that one is justified in their ignorance of God. For example evolution has come up more than a couple of times in this thread as some sort of magic word, as if evolution somehow absolves us from taking any theistic claim seriously, as if natural selection explains the existence of moral and religious creatures just by pointing out that those who are moral and religious are more likely to survive within an evolutionary context. Lol. But what has that really got to do with the metaphysical question of a things existence? Nothing.

Atheism isn’t a positive claim about the existence of God; it is the claim that one is rationally justified in not believing in God; it’s largely an epistemological claim. I think the evidence demonstrates otherwise, and i am sure the atheist will try their best to maintain the rational appearance of their worldview regardless, often invoking the magic of science, as if science has anything to do with the question of ultimate causes in the first place. But why try so hard? Why has science become somebodies second name when facing the question of God. I think that the vast majority of atheists want to be atheist and they exploit science to give an air of rational respectability where there is none.

It is unnatural to be an atheist, but that is only because God exists.
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You are seriously asking me, as an obvious Catholic Christian, if slavery is moral?
How long have you been here.

by the way, you are dodging. (I never spoke about slavery Dan)
No I’m not seriously asking, it’s rhetorical. I suspect we both say it’s immoral. You may go further and say it’s objectively immoral. I would say it’s a bit curious that people only really started to agree it was immoral when changing technology made manual labor less emphasized. We changed, and I think most would agree it’s for the better. The only real question is why does god’s word contain instructions for how to navigate a immoral system of human ownership if it was objectively wrong?

And I’m not dodging, I answered your question as to why avoiding accidents and fatalities is good.
But people still don’t agree that it’s immoral. So the human sense of morality is evolving…as you intend to note ( I think). What is it evolving towards and what is the point of the human sense of morality changing? There has to be a teleology if you admit the human sense of morality is journeying…to some point.

The Christian point of view in regard to God’s word detailing immorality is that OT writers do not know Christ, and their view of morality is not centered on Christ. Christianity is about Christ. And the word of God serves Christ. Catholics do not read the bible as fundamentalists who might idolize the written word.
sec 42 (and 44)
The OT writers are also flawed human beings, like everyone else. And to the degree they subject morality to their own whim and consensus, and understanding, they will not have a complete vision of the moral good. Hence, in their understanding, God wills them to slay their enemies. And this illustrates the danger of subjective morality.

So back to our prior discussion…what is the point of traffic laws?
You say it is to prevent accidents and fatalities.
What is the point of preventing accidents and fatalities? Not every society wants order at the expense of protecting every citizen. Some laws get people killed.

You can talk about order and common good, and I will point out some seemingly well-ordered societies that prospered through conquest, domination, slavery, genocide. All in the name of common good and prosperity.

Why should we prevent accidents and fatalities? Give me something solid I can shout from the courthouse steps.
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Are you at some point willing to say that human life…has objective value independent of your decisions or whims, or popular opinion.
You know that’s where I’m going right?
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Why should we prevent accidents and fatalities? Give me something solid I can shout from the courthouse steps.
Told you, being in accidents is painful, expensive, and quite a hassle. Being dead would prevent me from doing things I enjoy. Sure we could go on and talk about valuing life, to what degree and in what circumstances and so on but I don’t really need to go beyond the selfish to explain why I don’t want people on the road driving dangerously around me. Luckily enough people agree with me that we set speed limits and hired police to help enforce them.

But the point of speed limits wasn’t about whether or not speed limits exist. It’s what is the objective speed limit? There is none, so it’s subjective. And as you once said if it’s subjective it can be anything, and if it can be anything it’s nothing.
Are you at some point willing to say that human life…has objective value independent of your decisions or whims, or popular opinion.
Sure I see where you’re going, and I even agree we should hold human life with value. I just don’t see the objective source you’re appealing to. The societies you keep trying to point to didn’t value human life, at least not certain groups of them. I wouldn’t want to live in one of those, I doubt you would either. Why you think you can’t conclude that with reason alone is somewhere I doubt we’ll see eye to eye on.
Are you at some point willing to say that human life…has objective value independent of your decisions or whims, or popular opinion.
Sure I see where you’re going, and I even agree we should hold human life with value. I just don’t see the objective source you’re appealing to. The societies you keep trying to point to didn’t value human life, at least not certain groups of them. I wouldn’t want to live in one of those, I doubt you would either. Why you think you can’t conclude that with reason alone is somewhere I doubt we’ll see eye to eye on.
We just did.
We’ve come to the conclusion that human life has objective value, correct?

Am I understanding your objection:
You do not see religion as a reliable or objective basis for moral determinations.
1 Christians behave badly
2 the Bible proposes slaughter and other immorality as God’s will
3 the actual practice of morality is wildly inconsistent.

All of which I agree with. And that is the reason I did not resort to scripture or religious maxims to make the point: morality has to have an objective end point, or good it serves, or source. You can pick your terminology.

Human life has value worth protecting outside our whims, preferences, decisions, popular opinions. So we at least agree on that.

For me, the source of the value of human life raises more transcendent questions, but we are of different philosophies there, and I don’t talk to people in foreign languages if it’s not necessary or wanted.

I am not making a religious argument here.
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I’ve always found it weird why atheists would frequent religious forums.
I suspect they come either to justify, demonstrate, or express their atheism. And maybe a few come to actually see if there is any truth or value to the theistic claim of God.
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We just did.
We’ve come to the conclusion that human life has objective value, correct?
No I said I see value in human life not that it was objective. I’m glad you see value in human life too though. I have some friends who feel the same way and I bet you do too. Thing is some people out there don’t think so and they do awful things. I know I wouldn’t want awful things done to me, I bet you and our friends wouldn’t either. Perhaps we could come up with some laws to protect all of us and a way to enforce them against those who mean us hard?
We just did.
We’ve come to the conclusion that human life has objective value, correct?
No I said I see value in human life not that it was objective. I’m glad you see value in human life too though. I have some friends who feel the same way and I bet you do too. Thing is some people out there don’t think so and they do awful things. I know I wouldn’t want awful things done to me, I bet you and our friends wouldn’t either. Perhaps we could come up with some laws to protect all of us and a way to enforce them against those who mean us hard?
That’s a little circular but I’m glad you love life,.
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