In these forums there have been endless discussions of historical atrocities committed by established religions (Crusades and Inquisitions) and atheist governments (Stalin, Hitler, Mao).
I’d hope to stay clear of these issues and focus in particular on whether a society’s moral values are better off with or without religion. More specifically, how does that issue get factored into the current prison populations?
I think wether or not an athiest mindset or religious mindset is better, really depends on the time period you are discussing. One cannot get past the atrocities of religious fevour either in the past or now. Nor can we get past the atrocities commited by athiests. What we must realize, is that both believers and non-believers are capable of this. A Belief or lack-thereof does not determine how good a person chooses to be.
What we can do, is look for the “reason” such atrocities occured and why they were supported and invariably we will find ideological fanaticism at it’s roots. I find it extremely difficult as an athiest, to show other athiests this concept. It is also just as hard to show it to believers. We all want to believe we are strong, good and compasionate people. It messes up our perceptions of ourselves if we realize we are actually capable of such brutality. To admit religious people CAN become idealogical fanatical is painful. It is just as painful a realization as an athiest. A “desire” to percieve ourselves as good, will not keep us safe from our darkest nature by default. We must be aware of what we are capable of, good or bad.(IE. No telling ourselves we are good, will actually mean we are good)
Having said all that, I have been asking this question for myself, for quite a while now. Is the world better off with, or without religion. Ask some believers and they will say “OF COURSE belief makes the world better”.(Incidentally I alway’s have a great deal of respect for the believer who can ask this question honestly and with integrity,). Ask an athiest and they will say the same thing "The world OF COURSE is better off without religion(I did this recently on an athiest site and recieved the usual suspicious questions regarding my “true” athiesm).
What I think, is that it depends very much on the religion in question and the period of time you are dealing with, but overall religion has probably enhanced human life. And I say that as an athiest.
I “could” talk about the benefits of the other faiths, but I’ll focus solely on christianity. The wars fought by christians in the name of God, were almost alway’s fought over power, money, and land. These were all things that christianity(minus some pauline christianity) disregarded. What Jesus taught was the opposite of what christians in power did. Not the fault of Jesus or the apostles who first tried to teach it to mankind.
But take a look at the common man, the average believer. They have been taught that through their lives they must reflect on their behaviour, modifying if it is bad and listen to a conscience given to them by God and upon which God wants them to use for the greater good of mankind and their individual selves…and ultimately God.
This kind of self-reflection EVEN IF it occasionally went south due to bad leadership, overall has probably enhanced human life.
In today’s secular world, we don’t have this focus so much and people get themselves into trouble, by not pro-actively thinking on their behaviour and it’s repurcussions. What we have, is therapists who then attempt to peel back the layers of the human mind in an attempt to fix problems, that may never have occured with a bit of self-reflection and gentle but wise guidance.
So all in all, despite all the atrocities, the general goal of religion was to attempt to improve humanities behaviour, through an act of love and obedience to a power higher than itself. Not…an act of submission to a daddy figure, but a real act of submission to something bigger because that bigger concept is good for mankind.
Many non-believers do this, without any faith but I do wonder if they would have gotten into the habit of it at all, without several thousand years of social conditioning? And this drive to self-analyze and improve our behaviour…isn’t a bad thing at all.
So I would probably vote Yes for religion. I would also vote Yes, that society needed to challenge religious claims and it needs for now a secular world.