Atheism, Religion, and Crime

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I don’t know how many kids even listen to their parents today much less go to Church. When I see kids in public cussing at their mom, there’s a problem.

Compassion toward others should always be encouraged, regardless of belief or lack thereof, but God did not appear in the person of Jesus Christ to call for a generic social order as if He did not exist. And Pope Benedict recently pointed out that too many people in Europe are living as if God does not exist.

The Church is not interested in imposing but proposing. It is all based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life. Do we, as Catholics, all called to spread the Gospel, tell our unbelieving neighbors - Oh, yeah, sure, do what you want. You’ll be OK? We give them the Gospel message as we are all commanded to do. It is up to each individual to accept or reject that message without coercion on our part. God will not force you to love Him.

May I remind all readers that on the outside of the Supreme Court building, near the roof, is a statue of Moses holding the Ten Commandments.

Yes, Ed. The rank secularism of the age has eclipsed even the influence parents can have on their chld’s moral upbringing. I cringe when I see what routinely passes for education or entertainment on afternoon television.

There seems to be no one in the media willing to stop the madness when they know very well children could be watching.
In the same way, it provides zero help in trying to talk someone out of suicide.
I can see many instances where it would. Take for example a teenager who has been bullied in to shame by their religious (it could be ANY religion) parents or peers. It may be very comforting for them to hear that God is not on the perpetrators side.

*It’s the parents job to monitor what their children watch. *

I see, the children can only watch television if their parents are watching it too?

Why? So that the purveyors of filth can be protected in their right to be filthy?

Are you taking the high or the low moral ground? Does filth trump decency?
To Charlemagne II:

High priced lawyers were brought in to defend strip joint owners, the owners of topless bars and pornographers under the freedom of expression and speech. The following is a quote that appeared in the April 6, 1963 issue of the Saturday Evening Post regarding dirty books. "At the very first paperback store at which we stopped we asked the proprietor if he had any trouble. ‘Naw,’ he told us, cheerfully charging a dollar apiece for the books. ‘Every single one of dese have all been OK’d by de Supreme Court.’

“This statement is of course utterly false.”

A little further on…

“It is high time that thinking persons stopped shouting ‘censorship’ in the pathetically few cases when a book is declared, by some duly constituted court, to be, in the court’s considered judgment, obscene. It is not bad news, and it is probably very good news, and it would undoubtedly be even better news if the publisher, author and booksellers of such a book had to give back all their ill-gotten gains.”

The media has forgotten its responsibility to show what is good, wholesome and uplifting. To not abuse the public’s trust by allowing lewd, crude and salacious depictions and stories to appear. By joining with the purveyors of the obscene and lowering standards of decency and morality, we need, as Catholics, to remind our neighbors of what is good and uplifting. Such TV programs existed from the late 1940s through the 1960s, but with the demise of the Catholic Legion of Decency, the floodgates were opened.


Such TV programs existed from the late 1940s through the 1960s, but with the demise of the Catholic Legion of Decency, the floodgates were opened.

Because the atheists had their way with the courts. Indecency breeds indecency, until it oozes out of every corner of our lives. All because the Supreme court said they could not tell decent from indecent!

And of course, they could tell a fetus from a human being either!

How’s that for supreme intelligence in the courts? You will never find an atheist organization that will not defend freedom of pornography and the right to kill one’s child.
Evil flourishes when good men say [and do] nothing.

It may take a while. God knows, I’m not perfect. I encourage everyone of good will to avoid bad TV and movies and to complain, politely. I lived through a time in the 1960s where the good made up the majority, and I watched, beginning in the late 1960s on, the slow, gradual poisoning of the body of believers until we ended up with the TV, movies and internet we have now.

Do not despair and in your despair, lose heart that your small effort will be too small. Be careful of what you watch and listen to. Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour. Those words were written long ago so that we might guard ourselves today.

I encourage you,

I can see many instances where it would. Take for example a teenager who has been bullied in to shame by their religious (it could be ANY religion) parents or peers. It may be very comforting for them to hear that God is not on the perpetrators side.
This is avoiding the main point though. What is the argument against suicide here? Why should the person desire to keep living? What ultimate purpose does it serve and what good is it? While it may be comforting to hear something, why is suicide not more comforting – since it puts all the risk of future suffering to end? Can atheism assure the person that they’re not going to have to deal with these religious-bullies any more? Suicide takes away all the shame (in the atheist view) much better than living with atheism does.

Atheism has no arguments for these.
I was acquainted with an artist who used hash. I asked him why and it turned out he couldn’t handle the teasing he got from his abstract artist friends. He was an impressionist. It seems that peer pressure can occur in almost any type of defined group.

Unfortunately, over the years, I have read about suicides among those regarded as the intelligentsia being praised by others as “he had the courage” to kill himself. Instead of living, nihilism.

Unfortunately, over the years, I have read about suicides among those regarded as the intelligentsia being praised by others as “he had the courage” to kill himself. Instead of living, nihilism.
I’ve read this kind of things also. This is more evidence that atheism is false since it is claimed that it takes “courage” to kill oneself. But if atheism is true, why would it take courage?

But the fact is, atheists know that it takes courage because it is an enormous risk. So, even the people who claim that there is no God realize that God “might” be waiting for them on the other side.
I see, the children can only watch television if their parents are watching it too?

How you moderate your child’s TV viewing habits is up to you. You can let them only watch shows that you believe are appropriate. You can go out and buy or rent DVDs that you already know are appropriate (maybe even educational).

People have different ideas about what is appropriate. For example, some people might consider it inappropriate for women to be on TV without veils on. The point is that YOU choose what you want to watch. No-one is forcing you or your children to watch anything.

Also, appropriateness changes with age. I wouldn’t want to be denied the right to watch a documentary about war just because some parents think it’s too violent but couldn’t be bothered to change the channel.

Why? So that the purveyors of filth can be protected in their right to be filthy? Again, different people have different ideas about what filth is. Is a health item on the news regarding sexuality filthy? I would say no, but some might disagree.

Because the atheists had their way with the courts. It was actually the secularists. The secularists are acting on everybody’s behalf: all the religions and all the non-believers. Suppose another religion were to become more prevalent, secularism would prevent your rights as a Catholic from being taken away.

You will never find an atheist organization that will not defend freedom of pornography and the right to kill one’s child. One should never make absolute statements. I just found a group of atheists against abortion: (Agnostics & Atheists Against Abortion)

I encourage everyone of good will to avoid bad TV and movies and to complain, politely. I’m already avoiding bad TV. Most of TV is garbage (that, I do agree with you, but probably for different reasons). There usually better things to do anyways. I don’t complain about it. I get off the couch and find something to do.
Charlemagne II
Because the atheists had their way with the courts. Indecency breeds indecency, until it oozes out of every corner of our lives. All because the Supreme court said they could not tell decent from indecent!
And of course, they could tell a fetus from a human being either!
How’s that for supreme intelligence in the courts? You will never find an atheist organization that will not defend freedom of pornography and the right to kill one’s child.
I agree.

Our corrosive culture promotes divorce and promiscuity openly, with the result that marriage is a faltering institution in western cultures.

One research study found that children who were not raised by both biological parents had a 200% higher chance of ending up in prison.

God bless, Annem
Religion in a society functions as a method by which morals are passed down from generation to generation. If people have bad morals, those are passed down as well.

Welcome back.

When statistics are presented to suggest that atheists are less moral than believers (though such evidence does not seem to be available), the appropriate reponse for the atheist is that whether or not believers are better or worse behaved may be evidence that belief is good for society but it is in no way evidence that God exists.

I and my wife have served in prison ministry for several years. I can tell you that published statistics are always bogus. Go to a prison with 2,000 hardened criminals in it. Count how many attend a religious service once a week. Believe your eyes, rather than the lies.

You will never see it printed in atheist literature that the vast majority of prisoners want nothing to do with God. That’s the atheist position.

I don’t say that all atheist belong in jail. What I do say is that most of the people in prison are atheists. Most often they remember that in childhood their parents had them baptized at a church, so they declare that to be their religious preference, because it looks better on the rap sheet than “atheist” when they come up for parole. Atheist organizations take those stats and try to make it appear that atheist are by far the most moral group alive. Tell me this: if they are, where did they get their moral formation?

Even some of the prisoners we’ve served in chapel and religious education are clearly there not because they want to learn about the faith, but because they want that chapel attendance record on file when the parole consideration comes up. Subtract that number from the total number who attend, and you have very few religious people in jail and a very large number of atheists who are very dangerous because they have never formed a moral conscience under the guidance of parents and church.

But if you want to look at some** real **statistics that you can believe in, consider the different rate of recidivism among those who attend chapel while in prison and those who do not. A considerable difference. Look up the stats if you need to.
You can claim people are not religious if you like, but we in the end can only take peoples word for it. In other words if some says to me they believe in god, whether of not they go to church is irrelevant.

Lets forget jails. Lets look at overall societies "Next in line are the Norwegians, British, Germans and Dutch. At least sixty percent accept evolution as a fact and fewer than one in three are convinced that there is a deity. There is little teenage pregnancy , although the Brits, with over 40 pregnancies per 1,000 girls a year, do twice as badly as the others. Homicide rates are also low – around 1-2 victims per 100,000 people a year.

At the other end of the scale comes America. Over 50 percent of Americans believe in God, and only 40 percent accept some form of evolution (many believe it had a helping hand from the Deity). The U.S. has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy and homicide rates are at least five times greater than in Europe and ten times higher than in Japan."

There is no doubt that atheist societies are more moral than religous ones, every stat supports this conclusion.
There is little teenage pregnancy , although the Brits, with over 40 pregnancies per 1,000 girls a year, do twice as badly as the others.
“The British public, both adults and children, are almost wholly ignorant of the basic facts surrounding Christians and other world religions. The Ofsted report on Religious Education (RE) in schools (2007) states that there is a problem even with teachers’ insufficient knowledge of RE at primary school level and likewise with recruiting the correct specialists at secondary school level.”…“Children who do not come from churchgoing homes - as I did not - now grow up largely ignorant of Christian ideas in a way unimaginable half a century ago. …] The comments about religion by journalists in the press and on television …] suggest that even the basic Christian ideas are no longer understood by university-educated people, still less by others. Indeed even churchgoers can reveal an ignorance of the main elements of Christian belief.”“C of E: The State It’s In” by Monica Furlong (2000)
In data revealed in a Mori poll from 2003 Aug, only 55% of the English population could name one of the four Christian gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).

In recent years schools have increasingly failed to comply with the collective worship rules - in 2004 David Bell, the Chief Inspector of Schools said that “at present more than three-quarters of schools fail to meet this requirement.”
You will be pleased to know that most children in the UK receive hardly any religious education… but perhaps not so pleased that they also receive hardly any moral education… 😦
Charles Darwin
There is no doubt that atheist societies are more moral than religous ones, every stat supports this conclusion. *

Why do atheist societies have a moral superiority? From where do they get their moral sense.

Why are Christians more immoral than atheists? Which of their teachings encourage immorality. The Ten Commandments, for example?

Would you rather live in a country dominated by atheists like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, or in a country dominated by the ethics of Christ?
  • every stat supports this conclusion.* And every stat proves that Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, all atheists, were among the greatest criminals in human history.
Charles Darwin
There is no doubt that atheist societies are more moral than religous ones, every stat supports this conclusion. *

Why do atheist societies have a moral superiority? From where do they get their moral sense.

Why are Christians more immoral than atheists? Which of their teachings encourage immorality. The Ten Commandments, for example?

Would you rather live in a country dominated by atheists like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, or in a country dominated by the ethics of Christ?
  • every stat supports this conclusion.* And every stat proves that Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, all atheists, were among the greatest criminals in human history.
Hitler was not an atheist, but thats irrelevant. Would that be my only option? Could i not live under a normal non religous leader? Does it have to be the best example of religion against the worst of not believing in god? Hmm how about i turn it on you, and now your only option is Carl Sagan or Bin Laden. See how stupid your argument is now?

Anyway, like i said im just looking at the facts. AND THE FACTS ARE that crime rates in atheist countries are drastically lower than the religious USA.

The ten commandments?

I’ll give you 4 of them at a push. What on earth is moral about keeping sunday “holy”?

Morals come from being part of a cooperative society, that is where i get my morals from, not a bronze aged book.

Whens the last time you stoned your kids, oh how moral that old book is.
“The British public, both adults and children, are almost wholly ignorant of the basic facts surrounding Christians and other world religions. The Ofsted report on Religious Education (RE) in schools (2007) states that there is a problem even with teachers’ insufficient knowledge of RE at primary school level and likewise with recruiting the correct specialists at secondary school level.”…“Children who do not come from churchgoing homes - as I did not - now grow up largely ignorant of Christian ideas in a way unimaginable half a century ago. …] The comments about religion by journalists in the press and on television …] suggest that even the basic Christian ideas are no longer understood by university-educated people, still less by others. Indeed even churchgoers can reveal an ignorance of the main elements of Christian belief.”“C of E: The State It’s In” by Monica Furlong (2000)
In data revealed in a Mori poll from 2003 Aug, only 55% of the English population could name one of the four Christian gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).

In recent years schools have increasingly failed to comply with the collective worship rules - in 2004 David Bell, the Chief Inspector of Schools said that “at present more than three-quarters of schools fail to meet this requirement.”
You will be pleased to know that most children in the UK receive hardly any religious education… but perhaps not so pleased that they also receive hardly any moral education… 😦
Well were not just talking about the UK, however that still does not address the fact the the countries with the lowest stats are atheist in nature.
You can claim people are not religious if you like, but we in the end can only take peoples word for it. In other words if some says to me they believe in god, whether of not they go to church is irrelevant.

Lets forget jails. Lets look at overall societies "Next in line are the Norwegians, British, Germans and Dutch. At least sixty percent accept evolution as a fact and fewer than one in three are convinced that there is a deity. There is little teenage pregnancy , although the Brits, with over 40 pregnancies per 1,000 girls a year, do twice as badly as the others. Homicide rates are also low – around 1-2 victims per 100,000 people a year.

At the other end of the scale comes America. Over 50 percent of Americans believe in God, and only 40 percent accept some form of evolution (many believe it had a helping hand from the Deity). The U.S. has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy and homicide rates are at least five times greater than in Europe and ten times higher than in Japan."

There is no doubt that atheist societies are more moral than religous ones, every stat supports this conclusion.
Common sense and hands-on evidence don.t. That conclusion is bogus to its very core. It simply can’t happen that way. You discredit yourself when you make such statements. Regarding your statistics, it used to be said about them, that “liars figure and figures lie.” There are organizations, out there, that deal (and have dealt in the past) directly with the general public in very large numbers. The people they deal with have come to these organizations for the sole purpose of obtaining help with primarily “ethics” problems. One such organization is the Church of Scientology - despite what you may think of them from television indoctrination.

As you no doubt know, the CoS has had a less than remedial relationship with God, in its past, however, now, that relationship seems to be getting decidedly better (I think). In its early years, the CoS consisted primarily of young people who had run away from their homes and, thus, any little bit of church they might have had. When these kids came to the CoS, all of them, to the one, indicated that they were “born into such and such religion but didn’t practice it.” They knew little about Christianity and even less about what their religion held that the others didn’t.

But, the common thread among them, was the drug-use, lack of sexual self-control and other “criminal” or, near-criminal, activities that led them to the need for a change in their lives. Today, the CoS has several side-endeavors, the purpose of each is to help the incarcerated, the wayward and the alcoholic, for example.

The truly religious cannot be enticed, as a general rule, to breaking moral rules. Some, on occasion do, but, in general they do not. For those few who do break the rules it can normally be attributed to their failure to think the ethics through. This is especially true of the young. The younger the person, the less solidly he or she is swayed by morality and ethics.

A few years ago, I worked with an agency that distributed psychological tests for honesty, ethical and religious underpinning, regard for employers in general, regard for other members of society, drug use tolerance, and work-ethics. These psychological evaluations were created by Ph D’s who studied in the field and were used by private and public companies largely because pre-employment lie-detection testing was outlawed in the US. These types of tests are still in general use in the States.

Invariably, those without any moral upbringing did the worst by a wide margin, and their legacies usually followed closely behind them. If an employer called these peoples’ previous employers and was able to get the previous employer to tell them anything (as the use of such information by a current potential employer could result in a lawsuit against the previous employer.) about the ex-employees, they normally heard real horror stories of disdain of supervisors, disdain of the “company” generally, theft, on-the-job drug use, and severe lack of work-ethic.

Those people that were brought up in a home environment that was religious, inculcated with morality, was churched, that continuously taught them right from wrong, they were the pillars of the workplace - even as youngsters. They were not job-hoppers. They did not lack a work ethic. They did not break rules. They did not steal from employers, co-workers, or their public. They did not lie to cover their butts. They did not lie to the public.

There’s so much more that could be told. There’s so much more documented - by all of these providers of such testing as well as the companies that use them. Clearly, and without any doubt whatsoever, any so-called statistics that attempt to show that the unchurched/atheists are as moral, or more moral, than the churched/theists, are dead-wrong bogus. If you even attempt to debunk this, you will have done your fellow atheists a severe disservice.

As a one-time practicing Atheist, I have been on both sides. I have known dozens - perhaps hundreds - of churched and unchurched people. I have seen with my own eyes. I have witnessed through the lenses of the psych-testing company, and history shows that the worst offenders at exhibiting disdain for life, liberty and happiness - especially of others - rests almost completely in the private sanctuaries of the godless.

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