Perhaps you wish to say, “I can’t see me doing anything differently”… but the fact is that you act out the epitome of ‘free will choices’ each and every time you post on CAF.
Your argument seems to me to be nothing more than: ‘You made a choice, you changed your mind, therefore free will’. But everything is a choice whether free will exists or not. Whatever I choose is determined by who I am (my mental state, my genetic make up, my mood etc), the situation as it stands (or as I understand it) and the choices available.
Because there are so many choices we need to make every second, it seems that we are masters of our own destiny. But if we reduce those choices, we can perhaps see that we are not. And if you would make the same choice every time if all the conditions are exactly the same, then does it make any sense to say that you have free will?
You are taking your wife out for her birthday. There are two restaurants open. One, which serves very bad food at extortionate prices is across town in a ghetto where there are nightly riots and the rate of murder and rape is off the scale. The other is a family run business across the road from where you live where they are offering a 2 for 1 deal with free wine. It’s your wife’s favourite restaurant.
You will ALWAYS pick the local place. Always. You will never decide to go across town, even though that is a valid choice. If you want to argue that you COULD have gone to Bubba’s Greasy Grille and that therefore proves free will, then I’m not sure that’s a valid argument. Just because the choice is available, and there are always choices available, does not prove free will, because those choices exist if free will exists or not.
To prove it does, you have to convince me that any decision you make could have been different if the situation was EXACTLY the same. And in that case, you will need to show the reasons why you made one choice and then another. That I can’t see is possible. Because for every single choice you make, there are reasons which result in that choice. If the reasons are exactly the same, what on earth makes you choose differently if you had the opportunity again?
The only time I think that that is possible is when you really can’t make up your mind and it is literally an arbitrary choice. A coin toss.
There are reasons which determine every single choice. The local diner versus Bubba’s was easy. So maybe you think that was an extreme example which proves nothing. But if you think about literally anything that you consciously do, there are still reasons for it. There is still an internal debate. You weigh the pros and cons automatically. You have information which you apply to the situation and yes, you make a decision, you make a choice. But that decision, that choice, will always be the same given the exact same circumstances.
It’s like the operating system runs the software calls up stored information, applies all the applicable variables and k’ching…here’s the result. You are the operating system and the software is your thought process. They would be exactly the same if you were to rerun the film as many times as you’d like. The variables and the stored info is, by virtue of the situation being identical, is the same.
How do you get a different result each time? You don’t.