If it is unsubstantiated it is worthless.“if” is an irrational foundation for any proposition and amounts to wishful thinking in a dreamworld…
Which takes us nowhere!I already know that I don’t and will never have such an ability, so speaking of logic and reality, indeed I don’t have such ability and never will, speaking of what I do if I had it, for the sake of argument, I answered.
The OP is based on the fact that Hell (and God) don’t exist as far as atheists are concerned.The whole OP is built on IF, atheists don’t believe in Hell, so how their vision of it would be, for the sake of argument, we responded. IF is argumentative, and doesn’t necessarily means accepting something as reality.
Fair enough but it doesn’t take you anywhere unless you explain **how **you would create an ideal world.So IF I were a god, I would do this, for some arguments that may be mentioned, it’s by the same logic. .