Not sure why this was relevant, but I don’t believe Catholics sit around doing that. I’ve only attempted to point out what the institution puts forth through it’s leaders and its politics. Individuals in the pews seem to be irrelevant to me but I do find it distasteful that they keep giving lip service to the non-apologies that the vadican puts out and that they don’t rise up in solidarity with the rest of humanity to demand pedophile priests in the vadican to be released and prosecuted. I believe they know the leadership of the churches are as immune to their congregationalist as they are from other governments.What makes you think when Catholics get together we all sit around talking about how much we love the Pope and Jesus? LOL have you been on CAF lately?
You can still do all this in schools and government offices, just as an individual, not as a representative of the school or the government. It’s call coercion to children to lead them in school prayer. You can pledge, pray, etc. all you want in any building or event you want. Your particular favorite toy is not to be forced on the population. You are not to lead my children in your cultural myths and practices. That is the legal line. Sorry but not allowing your religion to be legally forced into our culture is not something we will ever allow again. We’ve ran that experiment already. Want to have your myths and legends be the norm of society, then you’ll have to convince society that it has value to be had and you’ll have to earn it instead of enforce it.Christians equally don’t want to be told they can’t pray in public, or they can’t pray before a football game, or they can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance or have a cross on their desk that has nothing to do with you, but some one who doesn’t believe complains it’s oppressive and then the Christian is forced to remove it. Why?