I think your confusing ones measure of their loving relationship with another and applying it to dictate the value of someone’s very being. This is dangerous, surely you can see that and only leads to tribal dominance over others of which there is no limits. It certainly isn’t the values of the west. A employer who values one employee over the other may do so only based on the value that employee brings to their business yet the employer would hardly attribute this to mean that both these individuals have inequal value in life of which one is superior to the other. Our inequalities in our abilities and merits have no bearing on our human value and dignity. In terms of sport for example we will prefer some athletes over others and our value of them will be based on how much we value the sport so I may value one player over another based on what they bring to the team yet would one of these individuals hold more human value and dignity that the other?? Again their value is only subjective by measure of what they bring to the team, this has no correlation with their intrinsic value and dignity of which the worst and best athletes contain as do all people. If so however then treating people as if they have equal value and dignity is foolish. Human rights, social justice, any pursuit whatsoever to pursue a society where everyone is treated with intrinsic value and dignity is to be abolished and let only the most loved to be treated with respect and dignity even at the expense of others. Society recognizes the differences in these things, I may love someone more than a stranger or value a sports player more than another in relation to his/her sport but none of this correlates to their human value and we dont act this way for if we did we may even be justified in punishing the athlete who acts in a way that degrades their value in relation to the sport in any way we see fit. I love my mother more than a stranger from Italy but does my mother’s life have more value than theirs, of course not. Do I treat people with intrinsic value and respect all the time, unfortunately not, not even those whom I love though we are called to treat all people in this way. By doing so we propagate a love that only multiplies within each other and spreads further and further until it encompasses all peoples and what shall manifest in law shall be the recognition of the truth that all people have equal intrinsic value and dignity.