I’m starting to wonder what you mean by “rational sense”… Care to educate me?No need to make rational sense of that either according to you.
Did I stop when I explained it?Your explanation is that you don’t want to die.
Well… the part I bolded need not be correct.For the Christian, a teleological view of reality is the only view that makes sense of the fact that we want to live.
But I understand your (as in, most Christians’) desire for it to be so.
Again, I understand why you’d like it to be so.these qualities are essentially goal directed
It is comforting to have a goal imposed upon you, isn’t it?
To me, it makes a lot of sense.metaphysical naturalism with no intentionality in the universe does not make sense of the human condition.
But perhaps what you understand as “human condition” isn’t the same I do…
Yes… keyword “like”.It seems obvious to me that you wanted to imply that my behavior is like someone that is autistic.
7 replies when one (maybe 2 due to the character limit) would suffice?Why someone would point that out in a debate i don’t know, but i have my suspicions. Perhaps you meant no harm.
It’s just annoying to me. And bad netiquette in general.