So no writings have been discovered. No mention of earlier writings have ever been made. No reference to previous writings is ever mentioned by the scribes, thirty plus years after the event. Which none ofbthem saw firsthand.
In fact, the only time I have heard anyone at all suggest that a written record of Jesus’ life and times were made contemporaneously is in the post you just made.
So if it’s ok with you, in the absence of any proof to the contrary whatsoever, I’ll stick with the facts as known.
ok, so we have established that it is not me wanting you to accept a scenario, it is you wanting to accept a scenario. Fine, have at it.
You cannot prove that the apostles did not write notes about what happened. You may wish to believe they didn’t, that’s fine. But you can’t prove it. To call it a fact is just a mis-use of the word fact.
When Shakespeare wrote King Leah did he refer to the first broad outline sketch that he made in his finished writing? How many biographies refer to the several repetitions of outlines they first make?
The final book or writing is the finished product. What comes before is simply (name removed by moderator)ut to that book.
Considering that in the time we are talking about any writing material would have disintegrated within decades and we are reliant on people copying writings, who is going to bother with initial drafts when they have the finished book?
Do you go into a bookstore and ask if you can have the writers initial note takings? To ask the question is to answer it.
No, you want the finished book.
Just because we don’t have initial note takings of ancient books doesn’t mean that there weren’t any.
That is a fact.