To you, but not to me. Someone else’s value of something is irrelevant for the value I place on it. Just like what the car maker places for value of their car is irrelevant to the value I find in the car.But If God does not exist, existence does not mean anything or hold any value at all.
No more subjective than your preference your your deity’s preference.Life is just a subjective preference in your head.
I understand owning people as property is foreign to religious people, but that idea is abhorrent to me. Your deity no more owns me than my parents own me. We are stewards of people, not their owners. Just because your deity has the power to squash people with no risk of fall out to it, does not mean it owns anyone not willing to be owned. You go be owned by your shepherd, I’ll go join a whole other group that does not own anyone and allows people to stand up and take responsibility for themselves and others.As for scripture, i don’t take everything literally, but hypothetically speaking, even if God did take people’s lives, he would only be taking what belongs to him in the first place.
So who needs a devil when you grant this immoral pass to this deity. You are really not coming across as a morally serious person at all and just following orders from the biggest bully in the room. Nothing we can do to stop it from acting immorally so you want to remove the moral assessment of it’s immoral actions all together? That is fundamentally cowardice. You always stand up against immoral actions regardless of the power of the being doing it.If God does exist, i don’t imagine he is obliged to keep anybody alive, because they all live because of his power.
I will destroy any being that tries to take the life of people for immoral reasons. Morality is independent of your deity. Otherwise it’s just might make right since it is the most powerful entity imagined which is cowardice again.Only in our arrogance would we think that he is taking something that belongs to us.
Our future for a better world belongs to us. Our purpose and meaning belongs to us. Our responsibility to each other belongs to us. Our ownership of creating a beautiful world or destroying our world belongs to us.Nothing we have belongs to us; it belongs to God.