To answer the above question of how do I know that I exist.
I would say that I do actions, I perform verbs. To perform actions is to exist.
Those actions may be rationalising, choosing, or running down the road.
To do things is to exist.
To the second question. We are talking about creating all that there is. Yes to create all that there is including a constant framework for being, one would have to have knowledge of this.
As I mentioned above. In theory if one was to create the framework for being without knowing how this is done then it could properly be said that there are now two ‘me’ entities and I am the one who is not doing the creating.
If there is a being who continually creates reality there has to be a knowledge and will for that to happen. Or there has to be something else beside that being which facilitates the framework for being.
Which ever way we go, we can make the case that it is not ‘me’ in the sense of my own consciousness. My conscious mind does not will creation or understand how I am creating it. Since there would only be me in this scenario, my conscious being would have to know, otherwise the creator is beyond my conscious being.
That is, it is another being.
ok I will read and respond to your replies but my make believe friend has just invited me to have a make believe drink with him at his make believe house.
I am so tired of willing these things into existence and then willing myself to forget that I am doing this.
back in a few hours.