First of all, why is it a “he?” It seems to me that the assignation of gender would delimit the god.
God is a HE because He is three persons. Persons are conventionally called by other than “it”.
God the Father we refer to as He because He has told us that He is “Fatherly”. Therefore, out of historical convention, we call Him He.
God the Son was incarnated as a male human. Therefore, He is conventionally refered to as He.
God the Holy Spirit is simply just conventionally called a He out of historical convention.
Second, it may be that people everywhere have had a problem with randomness.
What do you mean “had a problem with randomness”?
it also sounds to me that you invoke the human fear of death as a useful instrument to find the path to god. Do you believe it is?
Death is a fact that when fully realized causes the human mind to consider what “meaning” means. The question of the meaning of meaning, instead of the USE of meaning, ONLY arises when mortality is fully and truly accepted as unavoidable.
Those who wish to avoid the full consequences of death have no need to consider anything but the USE of meaning, the “how to get what I want” from the “machine” aspects of the world.
To not search for God is to be “content” to “get what I want” from the “machine”.
Once we (humans) find God, there is no fear of death. If we haven’t found God, we do everything possible to avoid the ever expanding fear of death.
It sounds to me like you do not believe in the god of the Bible, but have a broader, more comprehensive concept in mind.
I’m Catholic. Does that answer your question?
There is no “god” of the bible. There is only God shown us with the bible, and demonic “gods” which He created as angels who chose to be demons shown us in the bible.
There is no more comprehensive concept of God than God as shown us by revelation from God in the Church.