Atheists: you cannot disprove the existence of GOd

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I agree with you here, but we can show you as many “pointers” toward God as you can stomach.

Based on faith. I applaud you for it. Let’s not mistake it for proof however.
It is impossible to have “proof of God” given to you by anyone BUT God Himself. Anyone who says they can is a hopeful delusional (which my stating explicitly here will probably make me VERY unpopular! 🙂 ).
Yet you can’t invalidate the proof that God has given us, and not yourself, which we are duty bound to try to help people motivate themselves toward working to have given to them.
Why has your god given me no proof? Why am I being left out?
He showers you with it but you refuse to do the “trigger pulling” work necessary to “fire off the round”, as it were.

His response to your response to His invitation pointed to from hints from His proven-to ones is what you want.

You’re not left out, but rather not interested to be let in.
My response was to what you had said:
Quote: Tor:
Tell me that your god is the one true god, and I will point out that you are an atheist too, with the exception of the god you believe in.

God is singular. There is but one God. To say that we worship “one of the gods” is to say that YOU believe that there are more than the one God.

You are simply incorrect as to your definition of God, in that case, and therefore do not actually have a clue as to the meaning of “God”, ol’ buddy.

You don’t know what God means, Tor.

We DO believe in demons, which is what people who posit “the gods” actually misidentify as “peers” of the one true God.

The point is simple: people have worshipped gods for thousands of years. Som have been of the silly kind that you may call demons, others have been more along the lines of the Christian god. To wit: Allah. You will say that Allah is a false god that you do not believe in, Moslems will say the same about Yahweh.

There are about as many Moslems as there are Christians, give or take. (The Vatican says there are more.) You say that Allah is not the true God. So in the case of Allah you are an “atheist,” to use the term loosely.


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