I found this in The Credo of the People of God, an updated creed issued by Pope Paul VI on 6/30/68. Again, I’ve only posted what is relevant to our discussion.
We believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. He is the Eternal Word, born of the Father before time began, and consubstantial with the Father, homoousios to Patri, and through Him all things were made. He was incarnate of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit, and was made man: equal therefore to the Father according to His divinity, and .inferior to the Father according to His humanity, and himself one, not by some impossible confusion of His natures, but by the unity of His person.
He dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. He proclaimed and established the Kingdom of God and made us know in himself the Father. He gave us His new commandment to love one another as He loved us. He taught us the way of the Beatitudes of the Gospel: poverty in spirit, meekness, suffering borne with patience, thirst after justice, mercy, purity of heart, will for peace, persecution suffered for justice sake. *He suffered under Pontius Pilate, the Lamb of God bearing on himself the sins of the world, and He died for us on the Cross, saving us by His redeeming Blood. *He was buried, and, of His own power, rose the third day, raising us by His Resurrection to that sharing in the divine life which is the life of grace. He ascended to heaven, and He will come again, this time in glory, to judge the living and the dead: each according to his merits – those who have responded to the love and piety of God going to eternal life, those who have refused them to the end going to the fire that is not extinguished.