Attempt At A Mutually Respectful Abortion Discussion

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That doesn’t point to anything.
How about reality? That does not count any more in the “alternative universe”???

The question is till the same: “why do we only celebrate the birthday” and not conception day or quickening day? The answer is: “because only the event of birth separates the embryo, fetus from the newborn”.
The question is till the same: “why do we only celebrate the birthday” and not conception day or quickening day? The answer is: “because only the event of birth separates the embryo, fetus from the newborn”.
The answer is that it is an easy date to use and it is more of a cultural thing than something that requires any deliberate thought.
How about reality? That does not count any more in the “alternative universe”???
Participating in a party is not the grounds I use when I make logical arguments.
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Breathing is not a sufficient criterion to declare someone a human being.
You have changed the word “corpse” to “human being” - please explain why. Why is breathing not a sufficient criterion to continue to determine that an entity which has been classified as a human being for decades continues to be a human being and not a corpse? Why do you say that if a human being continues to breathe but encounters other (unspecified) medical problems that particular human being is 1) not a human being; 2) a corpse. How many corpses breathe? How many human beings cease being human while they breathe?
Says neuro-science
Neuro-science is not a “who” but a “what” which is interpreted by various “who” entities. Those “who” entities disagree with each other. How do you determine which are correct?
The only organ for which it does not apply is the brain.
Who says the brain is the only organ for which this does not apply? What is it about the brain which makes it special? Please name the brain functions which make someone a human being and cite the definitive functions which, having been lost, strip a human being from his right to be called a human being.
Sucking the life of a real human being is fundamentally different from needing to be fed and cared for. Is this not obvious?
Please give me the stats on the percentage of “real human being” women who had the life sucked right out of them because they were pregnant. If childbearing is a death toll for every woman, what are your thoughts on how the human race will survive?
Without a frontal lobe there is no person.
Who says so? Did Terri Shiavo have a frontal lobe? I know that, besides breathing, her heart continued to beat. Do newborn babies have a frontal lobe? Why didn’t you answer my question about why you think Shiavo and newborn babies should be treated differently?
This is a too open-ended question to answer in a specific way. You could ask: “when is a medical student sufficiently knowledgeable to be considered a doctor?”
Answer: when an accredited board says so. Question: Why did you avoid the question I actually asked? Repeating it: Who decides what is “sufficiently advanced functionality of the brain” and why do you apply the term differently to a baby than to Schiavo?
Just ponder: why do we celebrate the birthday and not the conception day, of the quickening day?
Because that is our American culture. In China, a child is considered to be 1 year old on the day of his birth.

Neuro-science is not a “who” but a “what” which is interpreted by various “who” entities. Those “who” entities disagree with each other. How do you determine which are correct?
Simple. One needs to perform experiments, and whichever interpretation gives better results, it will be declared the correct interpretation - FOR THE TIME BEING. Science does not look for “absolute” answers, only for ones which are verified by observation. And which are good enough to use in further experiments.
Who says the brain is the only organ for which this does not apply? What is it about the brain which makes it special?
Please, this does not lead anywhere. The brain is the “boss”, it regulates the rest of the body. Any other organ can be replaced by a transplant, of a prostheses - EXCEPT the brain.
Please give me the stats on the percentage of “real human being” women who had the life sucked right out of them because they were pregnant. If childbearing is a death toll for every woman, what are your thoughts on how the human race will survive?
This really getting nowhere.
Who says so? Did Terri Shiavo have a frontal lobe? Do newborn babies have a frontal lobe?
No she did not. All that remained was the brain stem. Yes, newborns have a frontal lobe.
Whoo- hoo! I answered everything.
Actually, you did not. Your “answer” was always a new question.
Actually, you did not. Your “answer” was always a new question.
Well…what do you expect. You have a radically different view of what constitutes a human being. You should expect challenging questions to arise when debating someone who affirms humanity at all stages.
Standing on your own stock answers will never lead you to discovery.
And other human beings ought to receive your benefit of the doubt, rather than a hard stance based on stock answers.
Well…what do you expect. You have a radically different view of what constitutes a human being.
Actually a reasoned counter argument would be just fine. But the repeated presentation of already answered questions is not helpful.

Asking “Please give me the stats on the percentage of “real human being” women who had the life sucked right out of them because they were pregnant.” These kinds of “questions” lead nowhere. Especially since I never used the expression “life is being sucked OUT of a woman”. I cannot take someone seriously, if they twist the topic into ridiculous questions.

And questions about the activity of the brain, which is also common knowledge, only constitute an attempt to derail the conversation. The fact is that all the organs can be replaced except the brain. And that can be the answer to “what is a human being”. And the brain needs to be in a good working order. Asking about the “precise” percentage is just another attempt to derail the conversation.

I make sure that I differentiate between DNA, zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus and finally newborn human being. The changes in this process are quantitative and qualitative. When a qualitative change occurs, and new level of classification is due.

The other “side” does not acknowledge this classification. For them the DNA is the deciding factor. Human DNA == human being! And that is ridiculous. What we call human DNA is not a precise sequence of molecules, it is an approximate arrangement - which may include some serious mutations. Moreover, equating the DNA with human being would also classify a tumor and declare it a human “being”. The possible reply is that a zygote (etc…) can grow into a human being, while the tumor cannot. So the classification is not based upon what it IS, but what it can BECOME.

Of course all this is technology driven. Right now a random human cell cannot grow into full-blown human being. Though a human stem-cell might be. Our technology is not sufficiently advanced. But this can change. And if and when it will change, then a clipped toenail can be “forced” to become a replica or clone of the original. Will then the clipped toenail be classified as the earliest stage of a human being?

Continued below…
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Continued from above…
Standing on your own stock answers will never lead you to discovery.
The discovery will come from science, not from internet conversation. Such conversations could lead YOU to new discoveries. What I said was based upon biology, neuro-science etc… These are all subject to verification and revision, if and when science becomes more advanced. So they are not “stock” answers. On the other hand, declaring that a human being is one who has an immortal and rational soul… now that is a stock answer. And there is no evidence for it.

Let’s extend the thought experiment. Right now the activity of the the brain (mind) is too complicated to transfer it into an inorganic (silicon based) organ. But that is also technology based. If and when this will be possible, then the “human being” will have to be re-classified, and it will be “human is as human does” - paraphrasing Forrest Gump.

And now we reach the final conclusion. A human being is a sapient entity. Maybe even sentient, but that is not important. So humans are a subset of sapient beings. Regardless of the material they are composed of. It can be biological, silicon based, or the mixture of the two. It can be “born” or decanted from a vat. Or even be a space alien. As long as it is “sapient”, it must be classified as an “honorary human being”.

Now, going back to abortion. Obviously the zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus are not actual human beings, they are potential human beings (or they can be mutants). Even if you are NOT a Thomist, you should recognized the difference between “potential” and “actual”.

That pretty much covers it. If we can come to an agreement (fat chance!!!) about this classification, then we can start to talk about the abortion. But as long as we cannot agree, all conversation is futile.
And now we reach the final conclusion. A human being is a sapient entity. Maybe even sentient, but that is not important. So humans are a subset of sapient beings .
Except when they’re sleeping and there is no sign of any of that.
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Except when they’re sleeping and there is no sign of any of that.
Nonsense. They are sapient on the “sleeping” level. They can even be creative while asleep. There is a huge amount of brain activity in the sleeping period. It is mostly the activity of the sub-conscious (the white cells). Are you familiar with the grey cells and the white cells?
Nonsense. They are sapient on the “sleeping” level. They can even be creative while asleep. There is a huge amount of brain activity in the sleeping period. It is mostly the activity of the sub-conscious (the white cells). Are you familiar with the grey cells and the white cells?
That resembles more a machine than a person.
That resembles more a machine than a person.
And what is the difference? The overwhelming activity in our bodies is regulated by the sub-conscious. Our digestive tract, for example. Or the breathing, which is automatic. It is an integral part of our existence. Only a very small part of our existence reaches the level of consciousness. The estimate is less than 5%. the rest is “machine” like.
Then that’s no more conclusive than DNA, it’s just a living husk.
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There is hardly much of a difference in every other regard.
There is “almost” no difference between two piles of uranium atoms, one of which is ONE atom fewer, while the other one if ONE atom over the CRITICAL MASS. “Almost” no difference, except a huge explosion… please try to get serious.
Obviously the zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus are not actual human beings, they are potential human beings
This is the point being discussed. What is obvious is that this is not actually a fact; it is your opinion.

You didn’t respond when I made this point before, so I’ll try again. You mentioned sentience and/or sapience as a requirement for being human, so: is a premature infant born at 24 weeks human or not? Legally of course he would be fully human, but is that a designation you would grant?
The difference depends on the future which is potential now and doesn’t have a bearing in the present.
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This is the point being discussed. What is obvious is that this is not actually a fact; it is your opinion.
What is the difference?
You didn’t respond when I made this point before, so I’ll try again. You mentioned sentience and/or sapience as a requirement for being human, so: is a premature infant born at 24 weeks human or not? Legally of course he would be fully human, but is that a designation you would grant?
If born, either naturally or in a cesarean section, then it is a human. The point is that a born fetus is now a biologically independent being, not a parasitic, symbiotic entity. this cannot be emphasized enough.
If born, either naturally or in a cesarean section, then it is a human. The point is that a born fetus is now a biologically independent being, not a parasitic, symbiotic entity. this cannot be emphasized enough.
If born/unborn is your criterion then sapience and sentience are irrelevant. All of your arguments about the state of the mind are meaningless so let’s move on from that discussion.
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