Continued from above…
Standing on your own stock answers will never lead you to discovery.
The discovery will come from science, not from internet conversation. Such conversations could lead
YOU to new discoveries. What I said was based upon biology, neuro-science etc… These are all subject to verification and revision, if and when science becomes more advanced. So they are not “stock” answers. On the other hand, declaring that a human being is one who has an immortal and rational soul… now that is a stock answer. And there is no evidence for it.
Let’s extend the thought experiment. Right now the activity of the the brain (
mind) is too complicated to transfer it into an inorganic (silicon based) organ. But that is also technology based. If and when this will be possible, then the “human being” will have to be re-classified, and it will be “human is as human does” - paraphrasing Forrest Gump.
And now we reach the final conclusion. A human being is a
sapient entity. Maybe even sentient, but that is not important.
So humans are a subset of sapient beings. Regardless of the material they are composed of. It can be biological, silicon based, or the mixture of the two. It can be “born” or decanted from a vat. Or even be a space alien. As long as it is “sapient”, it must be classified as an “
honorary human being”.
Now, going back to abortion. Obviously the zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus are not
actual human beings, they are
potential human beings (or they can be mutants). Even if you are NOT a Thomist, you should recognized the difference between “potential” and “actual”.
That pretty much covers it. If we can come to an agreement (fat chance!!!) about this classification, then we can start to talk about the abortion. But as long as we cannot agree, all conversation is futile.