Attempt At A Mutually Respectful Abortion Discussion

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Insufficient. Personhood requires an active frontal lobe.
He did what you asked and provided a definition of personhood. You have no right to tell him that’s wrong because it isn’t yours. If all you’ll ever be is stubborn and combative, just admit it and leave. We’re wasting so much effort trying to have a conversation when it seems you’re only interested in demanding people to agree with you.
Not because we disagree. Neuroscience tells us that the characteristics of “personhood” are stored in the frontal lobe.
This still comes from your definition of personhood; neuroscience tells you that the characteristics you associate with personhood are stored in the frontal lobe. Neuroscience itself makes no claim on the definition of personhood.

I would still like to know the specific degree of sentience and sapience that you believe demarcates personhood. To what degree does a human have to subjectively experience (sentience), and how much profound knowledge (sapience) must a human possess to be a person?
That is not what biologically independent means. It is the fact that the newborn does not use the bodily resources of the mother. The necessary caring can be performed by anyone.
Apparently it’s not what your definition of biological independence means. A set scientific term of ‘biological independence’ does not exist. I take it to mean that a biological organism can exist independent of any other biological organism.
Your brain activity is limited to the “white cells”, the subconscious.
That’s not much of a person if all there is are involuntary movements going on in the body.
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Neuroscience tells us that the characteristics of “personhood” are stored in the frontal lobe.
If this is so then birth is not the point at which personhood begins inasmuch as some children are in fact born without brains, so clearly birth is not a biologically significant event in determining personhood.
That is not what biologically independent means.
Once again you shift your definition. The brain of a fetus at nine months is much more developed than that of a premature baby delivered at six. If the baby is considered a person (possessing an active frontal lobe) then so is the fetus, yet you would deny that it was, so clearly this is not your real definition.

If “biologically independent” is your criterion then you would have to grant personhood to the infant born without a brain, which you seem unwilling to do, so clearly this is not your real definition either.

This is the problem with inventing criteria for something as undefined as “personhood.” Why not just admit that you don’t want to grant that status to the unborn and be done with it? There is no meaningful biological distinction that separates the person from the non-person.
Pretty much for the same reason that I would object to torturing a dog, and have to problem with swatting a fly.

We “humans” are both sentient and sapient beings. A human in the earliest stages of development is neither sentient nor sapient, it is just a bunch of cells. Slowly, during the development process it gains sentience and later sapience. The more ability to sapience it gains, the closer it becomes to a “real” human being.
Do you hold that position for all stages of life? In other words, if a living entity which you once deemed a real human being should (for whatever reason) lose sapience, would that entity cease to be a real human being? Also, why does sapience matter? Doesn’t it mean “wisdom”? Who decides who is wise?

Would loss of sentience (for whatever reason) cause a living entity (who had already been deemed a real human being) to cease being a real human being?
As for the “potential” and “actual”, the potential is in the stages of development, while actual is the “end product”.
I think I can agree to this (although, lol, we’ll have to define “end product”), except that your examples give me pause:
Remember the acorn vs. oak tree, and the egg vs. the chicken.
I do not see the acorn and the egg as being comparable. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the vast majority of acorns will never become an oak tree. On the other hand, all eggs will become chickens unless an outside force (could be a force of nature) prevents the hen from taking action to hatch the egg.
Scientifically there is no phase in its development when a human entity is not a human being.
Read my previous post to @EmmaSowl.
Again, I cannot be distracted with other conversations - even though there are probably wonderful things to learn from many of the posts. (Although we did get linked to a “dumbest discussion” thread, lol - but seriously, I would like to read the numerous well-thought-out posts, but my health and family needs make that unwise at this time).

Looking forward to your responses in our one-to-one!
Do you hold that position for all stages of life? In other words, if a living entity which you once deemed a real human being should (for whatever reason) lose sapience, would that entity cease to be a real human being? Also, why does sapience matter? Doesn’t it mean “wisdom”? Who decides who is wise?

Would loss of sentience (for whatever reason) cause a living entity (who had already been deemed a real human being) to cease being a real human being?
Consider the case of Terri Schiavo, whose brain shrunk all the way that only some vegetative functions remain. If I am not mistaken, she was even unable to breathe on her own.

No, sapience is just the ability of to think over and beyond the vegetative level.
I do not see the acorn and the egg as being comparable. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the vast majority of acorns will never become an oak tree. On the other hand, all eggs will become chickens unless an outside force (could be a force of nature) prevents the hen from taking action to hatch the egg.
Just like the overwhelming majority of the human eggs - even the fertilized ones! - get simply flushed out of the woman’s body. And the chicken eggs need the natural or artificial heat coming from nesting or incubation.
It’s possible to have a non-self-contradictory secular pro-choice position. But if you believe abortion is wrong if the fetus is a person, being pro-choice necessarily contradicts believing personhood is meaningful because of sapience, or any other human aspect that is impossible to p(name removed by moderator)oint when it first develops. There would be no way to know whether abortion kills a person. Therefore abortion would require willingness to kill a person.

I can think of a few alternatives that would allow for a consistent pro-choice position:
  • Not believing abortion is wrong if the fetus is a person
  • Believing personhood is meaningful because of any human aspect that can be certainly known to be present vs not present.
  • Not believing personhood is meaningful, or not believing that right to life is part of personhood.
Consider the case of Terri Schiavo, whose brain shrunk all the way that only some vegetative functions remain. If I am not mistaken, she was even unable to breathe on her own.
So, in your view, did she cease being a living human being?
No, sapience is just the ability of to think over and beyond the vegetative level.
From where do you get that definition?
Just like the overwhelming majority of the human eggs - even the fertilized ones! - get simply flushed out of the woman’s body
Unfertilized eggs are not an issue for me in this discussion (let me know if/why they are for you). Are the overwhelming majority of fertilized eggs flushed out naturally? I ask only to know the facts. Whether or not they are, the flushing out would still be an act of nature - something every human entity can be subject to.
And the chicken eggs need the natural or artificial heat coming from nesting or incubation.
Exactly - meaning that, just as the acorn/chicken egg comparison has holes in it, so does the chicken egg/human egg comparison. Once a fertilized human egg survives any flushing out due to an act of nature, it absolutely will become a baby unless it is interfered with (by humans or nature). Unlike a hen, the mother harboring the egg need not do anything whatsoever to keep that egg growing. In fact, she can actively do things to harm the egg (drink alcohol, smoke - anything), and it will still continue to grow.

Therefore, I continue to have a bit of a problem with using the potential/actual terms. However, I haven’t given up on them - as long as we can both agree to what their limitations are (or find better examples than acorns and chicken eggs).

Looking forward to your responses on Schiavo, sapience, fertilized/unfertilized human eggs, and the proper application of potential/actual (not to mention “end product”!).

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, so I don’t know if I’ll be online. But I probably will - Fireman Hubby has to work and Adopted Son is deployed overseas. However, I may just veg in bed watching South Park all day…
It’s a Catholic Forum and Trump is not Catholic.

We respect people - but not necessarily their actions and beliefs
Abortion should have begun with the first person who thought it was a good idea. That first person should’ve been aborted.
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Sorry I took so long to reply. Lots of work baloney. Ugh.

Do you want to continue where we left off?
Good to see you back. Of course I want to continue. We shall have to check where we left off. As we know “work” is a four letter word, but it keeps paying the bills. 🙂
Agreed about work. We left off with my reply. I’ll copy it here:

Do you hold that position for all stages of life? In other words, if a living entity which you once deemed a real human being should (for whatever reason) lose sapience, would that entity cease to be a real human being? Also, why does sapience matter? Doesn’t it mean “wisdom”? Who decides who is wise?
Would loss of sentience (for whatever reason) cause a living entity (who had already been deemed a real human being) to cease being a real human being?
Consider the case of Terri Schiavo, whose brain shrunk all the way that only some vegetative functions remain. If I am not mistaken, she was even unable to breathe on her own.

No, sapience is just the ability of to think over and beyond the vegetative level.

I do not see the acorn and the egg as being comparable. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the vast majority of acorns will never become an oak tree. On the other hand, all eggs will become chickens unless an outside force (could be a force of nature) prevents the hen from taking action to hatch the egg.
Just like the overwhelming majority of the human eggs - even the fertilized ones! - get simply flushed out of the woman’s body. And the chicken eggs need the natural or artificial heat coming from nesting or incubation.
So, in your view, did she cease being a living human being?
No, sapience is just the ability of to think over and beyond the vegetative level.
From where do you get that definition?
Just like the overwhelming majority of the human eggs - even the fertilized ones! - get simply flushed out of the woman’s body
Unfertilized eggs are not an issue for me in this discussion (let me know if/why they are for you). Are the overwhelming majority of fertilized eggs flushed out naturally? I ask only to know the facts. Whether or not they are, the flushing out would still be an act of nature - something every human entity can be subject to.

Argh. Won’t all fit. Continued in the next post.
NOTE: This is a continuation of the post directly above.

And the chicken eggs need the natural or artificial heat coming from nesting or incubation.
Exactly - meaning that, just as the acorn/chicken egg comparison has holes in it, so does the chicken egg/human egg comparison. Once a fertilized human egg survives any flushing out due to an act of nature, it absolutely will become a baby unless it is interfered with (by humans or nature). Unlike a hen, the mother harboring the egg need not do anything whatsoever to keep that egg growing. In fact, she can actively do things to harm the egg (drink alcohol, smoke - anything), and it will still continue to grow.

Therefore, I continue to have a bit of a problem with using the potential/actual terms. However, I haven’t given up on them - as long as we can both agree to what their limitations are (or find better examples than acorns and chicken eggs).

Looking forward to your responses on Schiavo, sapience, fertilized/unfertilized human eggs, and the proper application of potential/actual (not to mention “end product”!).

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, so I don’t know if I’ll be online. But I probably will - Fireman Hubby has to work and Adopted Son is deployed overseas. However, I may just veg in bed watching South Park all day…
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OK, let’s continue. Since last time you asked the questions, it is my turn to answer.
So, in your view, did she cease being a living human being?
She still had human DNA (which is not a precise term, due to some mutations) and her brain was reduced to vegetative functions. But to reduce a human “being” to having a human DNA, is not a good idea. It would elevate a tumor to the status of a “being”.
From where do you get that definition?
Common knowledge. The sapience is the highest brain function, being able to reach abstractions.
Unfertilized eggs are not an issue for me in this discussion (let me know if/why they are for you).
No, not for me. However many people equate a human being (or even person!) with the moment of fertilization, so for them losing a fertilized egg would be as significant as the miscarriage of a 3 month old fetus - if they would be rational about it.
Exactly - meaning that, just as the acorn/chicken egg comparison has holes in it, so does the chicken egg/human egg comparison.
No analogy is ever perfect. OK, here is another one.

Jane wishes to be a doctor, so she enrolls in a medical school. She made the first step on the long road to become a physician. Does that first step allow her to be qualified as a doctor? Obviously not. Then she keeps learning, and every time her knowledge grows. At every successful exam she makes another step on the road to become a doctor.

After the final exam, she has all the knowledge which is necessary to call her “Doctor Jane”. But she is STILL not allowed to use that label until she receives her diploma. It is a somewhat “artificial” requirement, but that is the case. Speaking about potential and actual distinction, the actual medical student is a potential doctor.

The steps for the zygote are blastocyst, embryo, fetus - then BIRTH - and finally a baby. However, contrary to the artificial boundary of receiving a diploma, the birth is more than an artificial dividing line. That is the moment when the symbiotic / parasitic relationship between the baby and the mother ends, when the baby becomes an independent human being. (Personhood is still an issue, but let’s leave it alone.) It still needs a lot of caring, but not the direct bodily resources of a woman.

Looks like we are making progress.
But to reduce a human “being” to having a human DNA, is not a good idea
Does that mean “Yes, Terri Schiavo ceased to be a human being”?
The sapience is the highest brain function, being able to reach abstractions.
Must a living human entity have the highest brain function in order to be a human being? Can babies reach abstractions?

Which leads me to…
The steps for the zygote are blastocyst, embryo, fetus - then BIRTH - and finally a baby.
Baby is not at all final. It is followed by toddler, child, pre-teen, teen, young adult, adult, middle-aged, senior, elderly (to name the obvious). There are high degrees of differences of sapience among these various stages of the human being. Plus, within all these stages, there are individuals whose sapience is either stifled from the get-go or lost through some sort of accident or mental deterioration.

Is a newborn baby (with no ability to reach abstractions) a human being?
That is the moment when the symbiotic / parasitic relationship between the baby and the mother ends, when the baby becomes an independent human being. (Personhood is still an issue, but let’s leave it alone.) It still needs a lot of caring, but not the direct bodily resources of a woman.
But it still needs caring. Unlike a healthy adult, a healthy baby must be cared for. So again, is it a human being?

I’m afraid the doctor analogy doesn’t work for me. It is all about arbitrary lines drawn to show the completion of arbitrary tasks/learning.

The stages of a living being are not arbitrary. Unless impeded by nature or direct intervention, every fertilized egg will proceed through the same exact stages (from zygote to elderly) without any effort at all on the egg’s part.
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