Remember. Scripture tells us “By this shall all men know you are my disciples, by how you shun social interaction with any sinners”. No, wait, that is not quite right.
Let’s say that the man in question were a Catholic who married a woman outside of the Church. Would you go to that party?
What about if the Catholic man in question married a woman who had been twice divorced with no decrees of nullity? Does that mean you are supporting something?
We often see ourselves far more influential than we are. Are you a public speaker and author who has a platform against same-sex marriage? If so, it might be seen by your supporters and followers that you are acting as a hypocrite.
If, on the other hand, you are like me, an average Joe, work on loving even those with whom you find icky sinners.
That being said, if you are going to go to the party and glower at everyone, then, stay home.
Let’s say that the man in question were a Catholic who married a woman outside of the Church. Would you go to that party?
What about if the Catholic man in question married a woman who had been twice divorced with no decrees of nullity? Does that mean you are supporting something?
We often see ourselves far more influential than we are. Are you a public speaker and author who has a platform against same-sex marriage? If so, it might be seen by your supporters and followers that you are acting as a hypocrite.
If, on the other hand, you are like me, an average Joe, work on loving even those with whom you find icky sinners.
That being said, if you are going to go to the party and glower at everyone, then, stay home.