Let me explain something about my people (homosexuals), and I speak here for every gay person I have ever met and myself.
BEING GAY IS NOT SOMETHING THAT IS AFFECTED BY THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT, IT IS AN OCCURENCE BEYOND OUR CONTROL. We do not make the choice to be gay, it is as natural to us as being straight is to most people. If you belive we choose, then ask yourself, why would we choose to be part of one the most persecuted minorities in modern society? Would you? And then also ask yourself, did you choose to be straight? And could you ever CHOOSE not to be?
Now that I have made it clear that it is not a choice, can you maybe see that no matter how much someone sees gay behaviour, it will not “turn them”.
Also, as a point of interest, if being gay is a choice, then penguins are more intelligent than we give them credit for. 1/4 of all penguins are gay, making them the “gayest” known species on Earth. Were it a choice, then they must surely have the intelligence to make it