Wrt Ratzinger (not the Lutheran post…although I wasn’t aware Luther held the belief of transubstantiation, at least later in life…thought he was intentionally ambiguous because he wasn’t sure what happened to the bread/wine but knew for sure Christ was present…but I digress):
When he says “physical”, he means what our senses grasp. Not what the Eucharist actually is. But then how can Jesus’ body have the physical appearance of a wafer? It is his glorified body, and since, as Ratzinger says in Jesus of Nazareth, we have no concept of what that spiritual existence of having a transformed body is like, we can’t have a good grasp of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist–only that what we see has been transformed by Jesus to become Jesus, even if our senses would lead us to believe otherwise.
P.s sorry about the weird sentence structure.
When he says “physical”, he means what our senses grasp. Not what the Eucharist actually is. But then how can Jesus’ body have the physical appearance of a wafer? It is his glorified body, and since, as Ratzinger says in Jesus of Nazareth, we have no concept of what that spiritual existence of having a transformed body is like, we can’t have a good grasp of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist–only that what we see has been transformed by Jesus to become Jesus, even if our senses would lead us to believe otherwise.
P.s sorry about the weird sentence structure.