Baby Is Badly Hurt; Parents Jailed

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AmyS said:,0,467990.story?coll=ktla-news-1

I don’t know if anyone has heard about this case on the forum, it is been on our local Southern California news. My sister was the nurse who delivered this baby. She is having a real hard time with it. Please pray for him.

Oh Amy…how horrible! How could anyone do such things…

I haven’t heard anything on it…were they on drugs? Sick and evil.

God bless the child…I will pray and for your sister also.
Please keep us updated as we might not hear about it here.
Oh Amy…how horrible! How could anyone do such things…

I haven’t heard anything on it…were they on drugs? Sick and evil.

God bless the child…I will pray and for your sister also.
Please keep us updated as we might not hear about it here.
It is supposed… My sister just found out the baby was born addicted, they had run test and my sister just called for the results. It is said to be one of the worst abuse cases in Orange County. All of his limbs where broke, there where multiple bites, and he was sexually abused. It is evil.
A terrible story and yes, lets pray for the baby, an innocent in all of this but, whose praying for the parents? Like many of these situations I would suggest they may be as much victims as the child. At least the child now has some protection and help, is locking them up without treatment really an answer?

We are not called to judge but to be judged, so let the good Lord judge us for what we do for the least of his brethren, that includes the parents.
It is supposed… My sister just found out the baby was born addicted, they had run test and my sister just called for the results. It is said to be one of the worst abuse cases in Orange County. All of his limbs where broke, there where multiple bites, and he was sexually abused. It is evil.
What kind of drugs were the parents on?The reason I ask is Father Coropi said before his reversion,and when he was in to the drug scene deep,he knew major drug dealers who had black masses with a satanic priest cursing the drugs which in the case he was reffering to was cocaine:mad: He said these things can open the door to the demonic, it is like an anti-sacramental.God Bless
A terrible story and yes, lets pray for the baby, an innocent in all of this but, whose praying for the parents? Like many of these situations I would suggest they may be as much victims as the child. At least the child now has some protection and help, is locking them up without treatment really an answer?

We are not called to judge but to be judged, so let the good Lord judge us for what we do for the least of his brethren, that includes the parents.
I will pray for the parents as well,but I do want to point out we are allowed to judge an action to be evil.God Bless
is locking them up without treatment really an answer?

YES!!! i will pray the trial will be short and the sentence long!! God help this blessed little one.
Yes!!! Very Christian. Will you visit the prisoner as Christ asked? or do you leave that to others and just condemn?

We can and should judge evil actions. We don’t judge the perpetrators. That’s up to the courts and God. The baby and the parents will be in my prayers.
Yes!!! Very Christian. Will you visit the prisoner as Christ asked? or do you leave that to others and just condemn?
No one said anything about not visiting the prisoner,but the evil act has to be dealt with,there are consequenses to actions whether the actions are good or bad. Of course we should pray for the parents conversion,but right now a 4 week old baby has had every bone broken in his little body,he has been bitten,and ALSO sexually abused:mad: Now, are you trying to say we should have more compassion for the parents than the baby who is hanging on for dear life?God Bless

Your judgement of someone for being judgemental is, well, very judgemental.
It is supposed… My sister just found out the baby was born addicted, they had run test and my sister just called for the results. It is said to be one of the worst abuse cases in Orange County. All of his limbs where broke, there where multiple bites, and he was sexually abused. It is evil.
Amy, will they let a priest come in there and babtise this baby?Your sister is allowed to do that in danger of death.Give us updates.God Bless
A terrible story and yes, lets pray for the baby, an innocent in all of this but, whose praying for the parents? Like many of these situations I would suggest they may be as much victims as the child. At least the child now has some protection and help, is locking them up without treatment really an answer?

We are not called to judge but to be judged, so let the good Lord judge us for what we do for the least of his brethren, that includes the parents.
I actually, have a catholic prison ministry and yes I do care about the prisoner and have seen the good changes that can happen. But I know that most of them would feel the outrage we all feel with the injury to this small baby. The parents had a choice and made it…perhaps they are victims of their own choices…having said that I do pray they get help and they will in prison…If the inmates don’t get to them first.
Hail Holy Queen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.
I actually, have a catholic prison ministry and yes I do care about the prisoner and have seen the good changes that can happen. But I know that most of them would feel the outrage we all feel with the injury to this small baby. The parents had a choice and made it…perhaps they are victims of their own choices…having said that I do pray they get help and they will in prison…If the inmates don’t get to them first.
And they will…
Amy, will they let a priest come in there and babtise this baby?Your sister is allowed to do that in danger of death.Give us updates.God Bless
Yes they will… Luckly it is a Catholic Hospital, so it has probably already been done.

Thank you everyone for praying, please keep my sister in your prayers too. She is having a hard times with this.

Norwich, no one is judging anyone here… Saying it is evil is not a judgement it is the truth. I asked for prayers for the baby specifically because he is in critical condition.
What kind of drugs were the parents on?The reason I ask is Father Coropi said before his reversion,and when he was in to the drug scene deep,he knew major drug dealers who had black masses with a satanic priest cursing the drugs which in the case he was reffering to was cocaine:mad: He said these things can open the door to the demonic, it is like an anti-sacramental.God Bless
I will ask my sister… When we where talking about them earlier and their behavior in the L & D area we where thinking meth… The only thing is that the mother had a very flat affect, no emotions at all. Who knows what she was on.
In cases like this, with two messed-up people who shouldn’t be having babies, I sort of think that maybe a little contraception isn’t so bad after all.
In cases like this, with two messed-up people who shouldn’t be having babies, I sort of think that maybe a little contraception isn’t so bad after all.
I know you mean well, but we have to pray this baby survives and lives to have better days. Wishing they never had it is really not the answer. Contraception is not the answer. Many children that have had hardships and mistreatment have grown to be wonderful adults that have children of their own.
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