I am praying very hard for this little baby boy, but I keep worrying about the body’s memory and what this could mean for him in his life, even though we don’t really consciously remember harm done to our bodies as infants the memories do remain in the body nonetheless. I was abandoned as a newborn baby, only hours old, and I’ve had abandonment issues my entire life. I can only imagine what sorts of issues this little boy will have, his experience at life has already been so traumatic. Trauma is recorded in the brain and can have a lifetime of effects; I know from experience. So if this little one lives he may be emotionally scarred for life, even though his traumas occurred as an infant. So I pray that Our Lord heal him from the effects of his multiple traumas so he may live the best life he can live, in wholeness, in love, in safety, in Our Lord’s arms. Amen.