Baby Is Badly Hurt; Parents Jailed

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I am praying very hard for this little baby boy, but I keep worrying about the body’s memory and what this could mean for him in his life, even though we don’t really consciously remember harm done to our bodies as infants the memories do remain in the body nonetheless. I was abandoned as a newborn baby, only hours old, and I’ve had abandonment issues my entire life. I can only imagine what sorts of issues this little boy will have, his experience at life has already been so traumatic. Trauma is recorded in the brain and can have a lifetime of effects; I know from experience. So if this little one lives he may be emotionally scarred for life, even though his traumas occurred as an infant. So I pray that Our Lord heal him from the effects of his multiple traumas so he may live the best life he can live, in wholeness, in love, in safety, in Our Lord’s arms. Amen.
A month or so ago there was a situation discovered near here that was all over the news: a mother was found passed out drunk with two of her young babies dead nearby from starvation and a third barely alive. Apparently when the cops entered her apartment the first thing the mother did was reach for a beer. She was a late-stage chronic alcoholic who was in complete blackout and had no comprehension regarding the state of her children. I shudder to think what sort of emotional damage the surviving three year old child endures, and if he/she will ever receive the proper emotional care he/she will require in his/her life…Meanwhile the mother was charged and sent off to prison and the surviving child placed in therapeutic care…for now. Lord help us. I pray for that child, and of course for his ill mother as well, and for the two babies dead from her alcoholic negligence.
Lord help us. I pray for that child, and of course for his ill mother as well, and for the two babies dead from her alcoholic negligence.
Thank you NightRider you make my point far better than me. Tragedies of this nature are exactly that, tragedies! We had a very tragic case in the UK a number of years ago when two children (10 or so at the time) abducted and murdered a small child. It was one of those heart rending cases where there was not just one victim but three. According to the press and media hype these were the worst monsters since Attila the Hun. Even to this day when there is a no news day the likelyhood is that some paper will drag up the parents, or uncle or 27th cousin 15 times removed of the victim to tell everyone how desperate they feel and how these two children should have been strung up from the nearest lampost. So what do we do in a case like this child? or the case you mention where the mother is so far gone she would probably kill herself without realising what she was doing? We condemn, we utter wishful threats of retribution from others “if the inmates don’t get them” What we don’t appear to do is the one thing Our Lord Jesus Christ asked us to do, LOVE. These people need our help, not our condemnation. Punishement? of course! but punishment with treatment and compassion.

Of course we all feel for the children in these situations, my heart goes out to them, I have four kids of my own and I know how I would feel if anyone harmed them but, I would also hope I have enough grace to recognise a damaged soul that needed help, not just a piece of meat to be hung out to dry for the salving of my own conscience, or to make me feel better.
When i was teaching a man murdered three of my students who were his step children i felt such brutal visicious outrage, not only because these precious children were dead but because that sorry excuse for a human being killed himself to. we had no justice, i have very little closure in it. it was later found out that he did it only to hurt his wife, he was abusive to these children, other teachers were helping the mother to get ready to leave, we had money and clothing hid in our classrooms to help her get away, but he found out and then it was too late. he even shot the eight month old baby and the only thing that kept her alive was the body of her sister covering her from the bullet. this bullet is the one that killed her. we had no justice. Andrea Yates is even getting a new trial! this is sick and insane and unjust. i have a hard struggle with being a good Catholic and Christian in these cases. i find myself pro capital punishment and then i change my mind i dont know what to think its hard to make these decisions. it is just beyond me how anyone could harm another human being let alone an innocent child. i dont think these people can be helped until they find God and i dont think many of them want help. the only justice is that they have to live with what they have done the rest of their lives.
Of course you get justice, you just haven’t seen it. This man has to stand before his judge and creator and explain why!! and no amount of excuses, lying or a good lawyer can protect him from that.
Of course you get justice, you just haven’t seen it. This man has to stand before his judge and creator and explain why!! and no amount of excuses, lying or a good lawyer can protect him from that.
God is thankfully gracefully merciful and forgiving, and thats where i get caught up, the Christian part of me says yes he should be forgiven and taken into heaven if he repented, the human part of me prays he didnt repent and is recieving his justice. i wish i had your instant compassion and good naturedness.
Of course you get justice, you just haven’t seen it. This man has to stand before his judge and creator and explain why!! and no amount of excuses, lying or a good lawyer can protect him from that.
What I do not understand is the harshness that you have dealt out to people that were praying for the baby and of course praying for the parents conversion,but at the moment the baby is endanger of death.People are going to vent their disgust at the actions against the baby.I am having a hard time understanding what you think should be done with the parents.So I am going to ask you to clarify what you think should be done? If you do something like that do you not think jail is appropriate?God Bless
I thought I had, Quote:

These people need our help, not our condemnation. Punishement? of course! but punishment with treatment and compassion.

As for the Child, or any innocent caught up in these terrible circumstances I resent the implication that I do not feel and pray for them, I made it perfectly clear earlier that I have children of my own and how I feel on that subject. But my feelings towards the innocent must not distract me from Gods command to love ALL his children. Whatever or whoever they may be. You will note that it is very hard sometimes to take the part of those percieved to be evil in the site of man but somebody has to, because if we don’t then we fall into the anarchical situation of judging everyone about everything and if we do that, where is there room for God?
Jesus taught us to love our enemies as we love ourselves, thats difficult but we have to try.
I thought I had, Quote:

These people need our help, not our condemnation. Punishement? of course! but punishment with treatment and compassion.

As for the Child, or any innocent caught up in these terrible circumstances I resent the implication that I do not feel and pray for them, I made it perfectly clear earlier that I have children of my own and how I feel on that subject. But my feelings towards the innocent must not distract me from Gods command to love ALL his children. Whatever or whoever they may be. You will note that it is very hard sometimes to take the part of those percieved to be evil in the site of man but somebody has to, because if we don’t then we fall into the anarchical situation of judging everyone about everything and if we do that, where is there room for God?
Jesus taught us to love our enemies as we love ourselves, thats difficult but we have to try.
The actions are evil,that is my point, I didn’t say the parents were evil in fact I would not be surprised if they weren’t demonically obsessed.You also have to realise that when people first read this the emotion of what has happened might cause some anger. The response may not at all reflect the prayer life or true nature of the person. I also didn’t mean to implicate you didn’t care for the baby, right now the baby is hanging on for dear life if he hasn’t passed, it just sounded like you were calling for more compassion on the parents than the child.God Bless
I pray often for those in prison and their families…also the victims and their families…

I’ve read your posts Norwich… and don’t understand why you would think that all the frustration and anger posters displayed meant people wouldn’t be praying for the criminals …its what I do everyday.

Having read your posts on the other threads…makes me understand you a bit better… :tsktsk:
I pray often for those in prison and their families…also the victims and their families…

I’ve read your posts Norwich… and don’t understand why you would think that all the frustration and anger posters displayed meant people wouldn’t be praying for the criminals …its what I do everyday.

Having read your posts on the other threads…makes me understand you a bit better… :tsktsk:
Ditto,Aimee.God Bless
I am praying very hard for this little baby boy, but I keep worrying about the body’s memory and what this could mean for him in his life, even though we don’t really consciously remember harm done to our bodies as infants the memories do remain in the body nonetheless. I was abandoned as a newborn baby, only hours old, and I’ve had abandonment issues my entire life. I can only imagine what sorts of issues this little boy will have, his experience at life has already been so traumatic. Trauma is recorded in the brain and can have a lifetime of effects; I know from experience. So if this little one lives he may be emotionally scarred for life, even though his traumas occurred as an infant. So I pray that Our Lord heal him from the effects of his multiple traumas so he may live the best life he can live, in wholeness, in love, in safety, in Our Lord’s arms. Amen.
I have thought about that too… He has had so many burdens put on his shoulders at such a young age…

update: The say the baby will pull through, thank you God. Mom and Dad are being arrainged today.
Thank you everyone, now you understand where I am coming from. The major problem with Forum’s such as this is that the response is often made as quickly as possible and occasionally the thoughts of the mind are not always translated into the words of the text.

Thank you everyone, now you understand where I am coming from. The major problem with Forum’s such as this is that the response is often made as quickly as possible and occasionally the thoughts of the mind are not always translated into the words of the text.

I don’t think so… I asked for prayers for the baby because they where needed immediately. I think some people just get too sensative about things and turn everything around, no offense meant. Don’t assume people aren’t going to pray for the parents, but, understand the prayers for the baby where an emergancy. I had also just got off the phone with my very upset sister when I posted for prayers. It seemed the best thing to come on here and ask for prayers for him. People should not be meant to feel bad because they are praying for him.

By the way I am a Victims Advocate, I pray for the defendants on my cases always.
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