Baby scheduled to be aborted!

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Will Cristeen and her husband have the baby baptized? I think this would be a great thing to do regardless of their misguided decision. And who knows- maybe the grace of the sacrament will inspire a last-minute change of heart and the baby will get neonatal care to survive.
I am praying and will let others know.

View this video: - There are no graphic pictures in it.

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, oh prince of the heavenly host,
by Divine power,
thrust into Hell Satan, and all the other evil spirits who prowl around the world seeking the ruin of souls

**What state is this going to happen in I am wondering???

What happened to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act??
This is criminal.

“(b) As used in this section, the term ‘‘born alive’’, with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.”

I’m a NICU nurse (not currently practicing), and this makes me want to scream. I’ve cared for 22 week gestation babies and seen miracles.

What kind of world do we live in where it is better to die than to live if even for a short time??

I have all the sympathy in the world for that baby and the parents but there just is NO excuse for this.

They will be in my prayers:( :gopray: :signofcross:
…is the mom on CA??? I would like to read the forum that this was originally posted on…thank you…praying for all babies here…
I will say a prayer.

Even though the hardest thing for me to do was to go through a pregnancy knowing that I was going to have to say goodbye shortly after, I knew I had to do it. I was told my little Fatima only had a 65% chance of surviving after birth…there was a chance of survival nonetheless. I had hope and faith that she would survive, I also was aware that she may not…but it wasn’t my decision to make!!! I did have her, she was with us for 40 hours and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world!!!

I hope these two people reconsider a decision that they may regret for a lifetime, no one knows what can happen:( .
God bless you for doing His will. I am so sorry for your loss.:signofcross:
I woke up this morning with this matter on my mind. I pray to God He saves this baby, although I suppose I’m not spiritually advanced enough to harbor much hope of that happening. It literally makes me feel sick to my stomach that a mother could do this. I remember feeling my precious baby kick and flutter around in my belly at 22 weeks… I cannot comprehend how anybody could tear a baby from the womb and leave him to die. 😦 May the Holy Spirit touch and convert the hearts of all who will be involved in this.
Will Cristeen and her husband have the baby baptized? I think this would be a great thing to do regardless of their misguided decision. And who knows- maybe the grace of the sacrament will inspire a last-minute change of heart and the baby will get neonatal care to survive.
What a good idea! I’m not sure which religion she is (if any), but it’s definitely worth suggesting. Thanks 🙂
**If I knew where this live birth abortion was going to take place I would without hesitation call Priests for Life or contact Jill Stanek pronto.

This is a violation of federal law and should be reported immediately.

BTW if anyone has not read Jill Stanek’s testimony regarding her experience with live birth abortion (which is exactly what is happening in this case we are praying for with Christeen’s baby) it is here at Priests for Life. **
Please everyone, get this information out to everyone you know. Many more prayers needed.😦
**If I knew where this live birth abortion was going to take place I would without hesitation call Priests for Life or contact Jill Stanek pronto.

This is a violation of federal law and should be reported immediately.

BTW if anyone has not read Jill Stanek’s testimony regarding her experience with live birth abortion (which is exactly what is happening in this case we are praying for with Christeen’s baby) it is here at Priests for Life. **
Not sure why you think that this is illegal–if you are referring to the partial birth abortion ban, this procedure is not one. It SHOULD be illegal, but alas, is not.
Not sure why you think that this is illegal–if you are referring to the partial birth abortion ban, this procedure is not one. It SHOULD be illegal, but alas, is not.
The poster explained in the #23 post of this thread, but I went ahead and copied it here again.
**What state is this going to happen in I am wondering???

What happened to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act??
This is criminal.

“(b) As used in this section, the term ‘‘born alive’’, with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.”

I’m a NICU nurse (not currently practicing), and this makes me want to scream. I’ve cared for 22 week gestation babies and seen miracles.

What kind of world do we live in where it is better to die than to live if even for a short time??

I have all the sympathy in the world for that baby and the parents but there just is NO excuse for this.

They will be in my prayers:( :gopray: :signofcross:
thank you CatholicSam for your PM - I replied but your box is full. I ditto the article in Faith and Family!!! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am praying so fervently since tomorrow is the supposed day. 😦
thank you CatholicSam for your PM - I replied but your box is full. I ditto the article in Faith and Family!!! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am praying so fervently since tomorrow is the supposed day. 😦
Thank you! I’ve cleared out some space :o

Prayers on the way. Maybe this website and the beautiful pictures of babies & their stories of survival will help them reconsider and save this blessed creation of God!
And since the child is born alive, under the law, the parents have the right to decline medical intervention to save the life of the child by extraordinary measures, ie: respirator, IV fluids, and other similar means. They are not killing the child actively following delivery; it is their passive neglect of the child’s needs brought on by the induction of labor that is an atrocity.

Sadly, to decline extraordinary measures to save a life is not against the law.
Sadly, doctors are no longer figures to be trusted. They will say whatever they have to in order to get parents to agree to an abortion. If the parents resist, rather than respecting their choice, they will regroup and strategize how to turn the parents’ no into a yes. There is only one choice that is respected these days.

Blessed Virgin, wrap your arms around this mother. Appeal to her maternal instinct to protect her baby. :signofcross:
And since the child is born alive, under the law, the parents have the right to decline medical intervention to save the life of the child by extraordinary measures, ie: respirator, IV fluids, and other similar means. They are not killing the child actively following delivery; it is their passive neglect of the child’s needs brought on by the induction of labor that is an atrocity.

Sadly, to decline extraordinary measures to save a life is not against the law.
This is exactly how they are getting around the law. By claiming they are simply refusing extraordinary measures. The thing is here, there is no medical reason to induce labor; neither the mother nor baby’s life is in imminent danger. They are doing this with the ‘hope’ that the baby will die during or soon after delivery. This is live birth abortion and it falls under the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

Is this law enforceable in any real way is the question. I doubt it is unfortunately, but I can’t say for sure.

I am awaiting more (name removed by moderator)ut on this from some people I know who know the law and the medical specifics better than I do.

While what’s going on here is morally and legally wrong, it’s unlikely that anything on the legal end will bear any fruit. Docs can lie about gestational age, exaggerate the severity of the baby’s condition, all to bolster their ‘extraordinary measures’ position. The best thing to do is continue to pray which I know everyone on this thread is doing.
Please, please, I am begging you not to go over and attack this woman. Pray as hard as you can for her family, but don’t go over there. It is the hardest decision she could ever make. She is suffering enough without anyone making her feel worse. Obvoiusly, this baby is/was loved and wanted or she wouldn’t have pictures taken. Her family is suffering. Don’t make them feel any worse.

My neice went through this 4 years ago. Her baby’s kidneys didn’t develop. The doctors told her the baby would have to be on life support for over a year before they could attempt an operation. That was only if another family donated kidneys from their dead child. Can you imagine waiting for another child to die so yours might live?Please don’t judge her or this other woman.

God bless Elliot’s parents for their strength. Not everyone has that.

Please, please, I am begging you not to go over and attack this woman. Pray as hard as you can for her family, but don’t go over there. It is the hardest decision she could ever make. She is suffering enough without anyone making her feel worse. Obvoiusly, this baby is/was loved and wanted or she wouldn’t have pictures taken. Her family is suffering. Don’t make them feel any worse.
While I’m sure she is feeling badly right now, and I think that any attempt at intervention should be done with* utmost *charity and kindness… I think it would be a profound mistake to place her feelings ahead of the life of her child.

I think she should feel worse. She’s committing a murder, couching it in sentimentality, and calling it mercy. Accepting the truth would probably involve feeling bad about it–but at least it would be the painful truth, which is worlds better than comfortable lies. I’m glad she feels bad, not out of spite, but because it shows she has a conscience and a heart. I’m praying and making sacrifices for the intention of her feeling bad enough that she decides not to keep that appointment tomorrow.

It’s a pet peeve of mine when people refer to abortion as a “hard decision”. It’s a hard decision because ignoring the pangs of one’s conscience is never comfortable–and honestly, that’s the way it should be.
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