Baptized in Spirit and nothing happened

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I have no experience in the charismatic movement, so the ony thing I can share is from a Catholic/biblical perspective. (I borrow below from two websites)

You claim that you prayed for the gifts of the spirit but did not receive them. As Catholics, we are taught there are seven gifts of the holy spirit:

All powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

by water and the Holy Spirit
you freed your sons and daughters from sin
And gave them new life.
Send your Holy Spirit upon them
to be their helper and guide.
Give them the spirit of * wisdom and [2] understanding,
the spirit of [3] right judgment and [4] courage,
the spirit of [5] knowledge and [6] reverence.
Fill them with the spirit of [7] wonder and awe in your presence.

(Rite of Confirmation)

This prayer names the traditional “Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.” The biblical origin of these seven gifts is found in Isaiah (11:1-3) where he is foretelling the qualities of the Messiah.

But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.

At this point, how can you really know you haven’t received these gifts? Have you been tested in such a way as to have called on these gifts and found them absent?

A spiritual gift is something that God gives for the purpose of building up others in a life of faith. It is the experience of Christians over the years that the Spirit usually harnesses one’s talents in the service of the gifts that are given. Yet sometimes, the spiritual gifts seem to work against a person’s natural endowment. This is, after all, the same God who led his people out of Egypt using a stammerer named Moses, made a shepherd boy/musician named David into a renowned warrior and king, and turned rural fishermen into leaders who left a mark on the course of history. There are examples everywhere of people who don’t have training, aren’t highly skilled, have no particular knack, but when the time comes for them to benefit the Body, the gift is there. The Spirit takes pleasure in surprises and onturning the tables on the expected. It’s wise to leave ourselves open for such action. We develop a talent, but God gives the gift it’s meant to go with.

Hope this gives you some perspective.*
Posted by Zooey
I am not a charismatic. I am not even a Catholic. I probably shouldn’t say anything. But I think that if you prayed for 2 solid hours to Jesus, well, I think that that says a lot of good things about your faith & your love for God. We do not always “feel” things. Sometimes we have to have faith without consolations, & it just means God knows you can handle this.
I agree with Zooey. As Catholics however, we must understand that we do not go by what we “feel”. If you prayed for 2 solid hours thats great, but what were you praying for? Were you actually praying, and praying, simply for gifts? The Holy Spirit will give as It wills. Not what we want but what God knows we need and what we can handle. Above all ask for faith, hope and love. Let God take care of the giving. Lets not try to force Him to give us what we want. I am grateful for the Charismatic Renewal because I was in deep trouble once and through the CR I was able to get closer to God and let Him take care of things. It wasn’t until I truly from the bottom of my heart told God to let His will be done not mine and He got me out of my troubles. My lawyer could not believe it. But I personally believe the key is not so much the gifts but what God wants from us. To give ourselves completely to Him and he will take care of us.

I knew this lady at the CR who had great wisdom but didn’t speak in tongues. Many criticized her for it. But heck, its not what we want but what God wants us to have. Remember we do not have because we do not ask, and when we ask we ask amiss. That means many times we ask simply for our own benefit so we can be like the others. Above all, make sure that the prayer group is obedient to the Magisterium and they are not doing things on there own because I have knownsome prayer groups who claim that they are only doing what the Holy Spirit is guiding them to do, even if its against what the Church teaches. :tsktsk:That to me raises a red flag. ……”Danger Will Robinson, danger!!”:bigyikes:
. I stay far, FAR away from charismatics, and I would never willingly pray with someone who was using a “private prayer language”.
Hi Ghosty, Sound like leprosy. Do the Irish get it :irish2: 😃 God Bless
I have a big problem with the term “Baptism in the Spirit”.

This “baptism” is DIFFERENT from baptism with water, right?
The sacrament of baptism could rightly be called “baptism in the spirit”

So let’s come up with a new term for this.
Here’s one thread

do a google search, and you’ll find hundreds of articles.

Perhaps you are right about the term, but I doubt it willl change anytime soon. The preacher to the Papal household has written many articles about this, and he uses the term.
The whole Tongues thing is what really bothers me about “charismatic” groups. As others have said, “speaking in tongues” refers to people speaking languages they’ve never learned that others understand, like me suddenly speaking in fluent Chinese. This “personal prayer language” stuff has no basis in Scripture, nor in Tradition. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit were so that people could better evangelize, not so they could have a “feel good” private form of prayer with their personal friends. I stay far, FAR away from charismatics, and I would never willingly pray with someone who was using a “private prayer language”.
Aside from the fact that the Pope has approved the entire movement (He did not say “the Charismatic movement, except for praying in Tongues”)
We have Romans 6:
26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
I would never willingly pray with someone who was using a “private prayer language”.
Do you think the pope prays with the Preacher to his household?
Island Oak:
I have no experience in the charismatic movement, so the ony thing I can share is from a Catholic/biblical perspective. (I borrow below from two websites)

Hope this gives you some perspective.
Which websites?
It really doesn’t surprise me that you did not benefit from the experience. You have talked against it from the beginning—You acted like it was believed to be a “magic formula” for your spirituality, but I told you that it was not for you. Great for some, but not for you.

You cannot benefit from something you mistrust to such a great extent.
It really doesn’t surprise me that you did not benefit from the experience. You have talked against it from the beginning—You acted like it was believed to be a “magic formula” for your spirituality, but I told you that it was not for you. Great for some, but not for you.

You cannot benefit from something you mistrust to such a great extent.
Dear friend

Exactly…faith!! Your faith has made you well. This doesn’t mean of course your ingrowing toenail will be cured if it is not God’s will…

But God calls for faith, if we mistrust God then why ask for His help in the first place, to test Him, to see if it is all true…‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test’

God sets much store by faith, if not we would gaze upon His Beatific Vision daily and we would not have free will.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


Tonight I was “baptized in the Spirit” by my local charismatic prayer group. I prayed to God that He give me the gifs of the Spirit if that is His will, but that if it is not His will, that He not give me these gifts, which most Catholics do not have the pleasure to have. Anyhow, I prayed constantly the entire two hours for the Lord Jesus Christ to have mercy on sinful me.

The congregation laid their hands upon me, prayed over me in tongues for me to receive tongues and the other gifts, but I didn’t experience a sense of great peace or anything of the like. If anything I felt a bit awkward with fifteen foreign languages spoken at once around me! :bigyikes:

One of the priests told me that it may take a few days for the baptism to take effect (sorta like an antibiotic, antidepressant, or other slow-working drug).

Anyhow, I’m just wondering what charismatics think about all this? Does it mean that since I didn’t feel peace and love that I am hopelessly lost in God’s eyes? If I don’t receive any of the gifts of the Spirit, does this mean that God won’t save me? I’ve honestly given some thought to this. Any comments would be helpful.
I went through a Life in the Spirit seminar several years ago and after doing so was prayed over for a Baptism in the Spirit. I don’t think I recieved the baptism in the spirit that night but a few months before that when I went to my first charismatic Mass. After the Mass the priest had pple stand in a circle and he prayed over us individually. When he prayed over me I felt like…well, like my heart was hugged. The sensation was short-lived but pleasant. I know something changed that night and through talking to pple in the prayer group who were at that Mass and later with a different group for the seminar I was able to get a better understanding about everything that was happening. And I just continued to grow in my prayer life learning how to pray, reading the bible, learning about the sacraments and sacramentals.

I’m concerned that you think that God won’t save you for some reason. Was there some kind of class or preparation before you were prayed over? I wish you had been better prepared for this - what to expect and what not to… a little guidance.
Aside from the fact that the Pope has approved the entire movement (He did not say “the Charismatic movement, except for praying in Tongues”) We have Romans 6:
It’s Romans 8, actually, and it seems to have all of nothing to do with any kind of “private prayer language”. In context, it also talks about how all Creation groans in pain as it yearns for God. We also yearn, even though we can not yet see what we yearn for. The Spirit knows, however, and prays within us for the Glory of God. I don’t see anything in that chapter that suggests private prayer language. We haven’t seen the Kingdom of Heaven, so we don’t know what it is that we pray for.

Also, just because the Pope approves of a movement doesn’t mean that he agrees that they really have the gift of Tongues. Charismatics are a devoted bunch with a genuine faith, and that’s to be applauded. It doesn’t mean that they’re really getting the Gift of Tongues, however, nor does it mean I have to want to have anything to do with them. I find the whole thing a little kooky, and it detracts from MY faithful striving for God. The Pope can pray with whomever he wants to, I’ll stick with my rosary and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 😛
It’s Romans 8, actually, and it seems to have all of nothing to do with any kind of “private prayer language”.
Sorry for the typo. Did you look up anything by the Papal preacher?
nor does it mean I have to want to have anything to do with them. I find the whole thing a little kooky, and it detracts from MY faithful striving for God. The Pope can pray with whomever he wants to, I’ll stick with my rosary and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Absolutely, just as they would not want you there, if you didn’t want to worship in that style. We have said over & over this is an option, and not for everyone.
Can someone just please tell me what the point of praying in tongues is? Last time I checked God understands English. Why is this such a great gift if you’re not evangelizing people who speak other languages? You know, there was a woman in Sicily who started speaking Aramaic. She was possessed and had to have an exorcism performed on her.

If I get this Baptism of the Spirit, can I get other gifts I don’t need, like a total understanding of the theory of relativity or the ability to hit a baseball like Ted Williams? I really don’t mean to sound condescending, but praying for gifts for the sole purpose of making you feel all special just doesn’t seem right to me.
I would love to attend something like a life in the spirit seminar, but can’t find anything near me. I don’t know if it would change my life in any way. Perhaps I am already operating with whatever gifts God decided to give me, but from what I read, my impression is that the purpose of suc programs is to explore how one invites the Spirit to use one as an instrument in daily life, and I don’t know if my prayers and church attendendance are allowing me to explore this option fully on my own.
A bit of advice:
Just start to noitce where Christ presents to you in the coming weeks and months.
I was prayed upon just over 3 years ago and felt awkward too. Yet, the ‘gifts’ you received will bring themselves out in the situations Christ leads.

SInce I came back to our Lord, my father passes away, I lose my job, and had two eye surgeries. If THAT isn’t a test of faith, I don’t know what else is.
Gifts will come tot he surface when the time arrives. Just continue to pray and be still and know that He IS God!

Lord, have mercy on Us all!
Originally posted by John…
Are the Charimatic groups praticing some kind of pseudo-sacrament?
I’m finally going to agree with you on something John! 🙂

Madaglan - I spent alot of time around charismatics when I was growing up.
I have experienced the EXACT SAME scenario you have described.

As an adult I can look back now and see their error.

First of all…when they claim that you are NOW going to be “baptized” in the Holy Spirit - they are, in a way, denying that your baptism and confirmation “took”
They don’t think someone is truly baptized unless they speak in tongues and wave their arms over their heads.
This is, of course, preposterous and is contrary to church teaching.

We know you were baptized because we trust church teaching.
We don’t have to rely on such subjective things as “feelings”
There have been many saints who were deprived by God of good warm fuzzy feeling because He was testing them and bringing them to greater maturity.

Don’t feel bad about the tongues.
God has given you many gifts - they just may not look like the gifts He has given to others.
Don’t let other people tell you are lacking in gifts, and don’t let them make you feel inferior because you have not received the gifts THEY received.

God love you and He has chosen a special path for you.
Trust Him.
Hi Magdalan!! 👋

Are you talking about the Life in the Spirit seminar? I was on the leadership team for the seminar at my parish this year. If there was one thing I wanted to drill into the heads and hearts of the people in my small group was that when they receive baptism in the holy Spirit not to have ANY specific expectations but to expect SOMETHING and joyfully anticipate it!!

Baptism in the holy Spirit isn’t a sacrament. You already received the holy Spirit in baptism and confirmation. “Baptism in the Spirit” is simply a “rekindling”, if you will, of what’s already there. When you are prayed over for a release of the holy Spirit SOMETHING happens!! Of that you can be certain. It sounds like you had the expectation of certain charismatic gifts (such as tongues) or particular feelings of joy or peace. To be sure some people experience these things, but not everyone. Personal feelings aren’t an accurate guage of what has happened spiritually. Neither is the lack of a manifestation of a charismatic gift.

Personally, my entire experience with the holy Spirit has been completely void of emotion. That dismayed me at first because, being a highly emotional person, I was completely expecting to be overwhelmed emotionally. When I was first prayed over I was utterly crushed because my expectations weren’t met. Now I know that was the Lord’s wisdom at work so I wouldn’t mistake emotion for the working of the Spirit. As it turned out I had received a charismatic gift but absolutely no emotional experience.

This year I entered into it with absolutely no expectations. I know I was changed, because it’s impossible to have an encounter with the holy Spirit without being changed, but I just don’t know how yet and I’m fine with it. I can joyfully anticipate the Lord revealing to it to me in his own good time. I once heard someone speak of being baptised in the Spirit and receiving the gift of tongues 2 years later. Other people receive the gift of healing but don’t know about it until they are called upon by God to use it. Others don’t receive a charismatic gift but receive greater insight into scripture etc.

You have been changed, know that for sure! Exactly how seems not to have been revealed to you yet! Pray about it and joyfully anticipate it!!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Originally posted by John…

I’m finally going to agree with you on something John! 🙂

Madaglan - I spent alot of time around charismatics when I was growing up.
I have experienced the EXACT SAME scenario you have described.

As an adult I can look back now and see their error.

First of all…when they claim that you are NOW going to be “baptized” in the Holy Spirit - they are, in a way, denying that your baptism and confirmation “took”
They don’t think someone is truly baptized unless they speak in tongues and wave their arms over their heads.
This is, of course, preposterous and is contrary to church teaching.
This is NOT what authentic Charismatic groups believe. You are doing the same as people who judge the NO Mass by the abusive Parishes.
This is NOT what authentic Charismatic groups believe. You are doing the same as people who judge the NO Mass by the abusive Parishes.
And what exactly is an “authentic” charismatic group?

So now the term “baptism in the holy spirit” is what exactly?
One poster here has defined it as a “rekindling”
The Church tells me it happened at baptism and confirmation.

So…what is it?

And why are people being made to feel they are missing something if they don’t receive these gifts?

All I’m going on is my personal experience here - and I had years of that.
Now that you mention it though - there WAS plenty of liturgical abuse going on as well.
Here’s one thread

do a google search, and you’ll find hundreds of articles.

Perhaps you are right about the term, but I doubt it willl change anytime soon. The preacher to the Papal household has written many articles about this, and he uses the term.
We’ve been through this many times. You can also do a search on “Charismatic” here.
And what exactly is an “authentic” charismatic group?
Authentic Catholic leadership, and connected to a legitimate Catholic Parish or organization. My Prayer Group belongs to a Conference which is under the Archdiocese of NY and celebrating the Silver Jubilee this year.
Authentic Catholic leadership, and connected to a legitimate Catholic Parish or organization. My Prayer Group belongs to a Conference which is under the Archdiocese of NY and celebrating the Silver Jubilee this year.
Okay…so yes - the people I was involved with could be defined as “authentic” charismatic catholics.
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