I’ll try to answer this as best as I can. Please be understanding as I spend 25 years running like Br’ar Rabbit from God and His Church until an Orthodox Rabbi from one of the Forums I was posting on cared about me enough to carry me to the Church door and deposit there.
John_19_59 said:
“Baptized in the Spirit”?
You receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit at your Confirmation. Confirmation is your “baptism in the Spirit”.
But you don’t mean Confirmation do you?
Or do you?
Are the Charimatic groups praticing some kind of pseudo-sacrament?
Could someone explain this please and how it is not a denial of the gifts received in the sacrament of Confirmantion.
Almost all of this came over from the various Pentacostal Churches, esp. the Foursquare Gospel Churches (they’re the more moderate ones) as Catholic priests, religious and laity began to have emotional experiences in these Churches and began to realize that their Faith had become dry and over-intellectualized. They didn’t see this as a denial of the gifts they received in the Sacraments of the Church, and they didn’t see this as replacing the Sacrament of Confirmation…
The expressions of this are as different as the people who brought it over and who received it in the Catholic Church. Many, like the Priest in Madaglan’s parish got the emotional experience but left the grounding of the faith. These people may very well be doing the “Baptism of the Spirit” etc as "Psuedo-Sacraments or “Sacramentals”.
The “languages” or gibberish is known as “Glossalallia” (Sometimes called a “Prayer Language”- I had one at one time). Many Pentacostal and Charismatic groups will say that you haven’t been Baptized (EMERSED) in the Spirit if you haven’t “Received the Gift of or Spoken in Tongues” (said the gibberish). Some will even question a person’s Salvation if they haven’t “Received the gift of Tongues”. This may be a denial of the gifts we received in the Sacraments.
Madaglan may have been dealing with a group that believes in a version of the above.
Others, like Fr. Michael Manning and Mother Mary Angelica, integrated this into their Faith and worship to make it fuller and more complete, to include an emotional component that is missing in American (and some of Western) Catholicism. Although the second group would encourage the “Baptism of the Spirit” and the Speaking in Tongues" they won’t emphasize it, because they know that they purpose of ALL of the Gifts of the Spirit is to Glorify and Serve God and that ALL the Gifts of the Spirit are given by God AS HE WILLS. Therefore, they’ll tell people to seek after those gifts with Glorify and serve God.
I believe this to be a mature use of a spiritual tradition to enrich one’s Faith, and is consistant with some of the writings in the scriptures and the ECF’s. I really don’t believe that Madaglan was dealing with these kind of people or this kind of group.
I’ve found that, unless the Speaking in Tongues has been forced, that it usually happens when we’re overtaken by the majesty and awe of God. I’ve lately found out that it’s better for me then to shut up and allow myself to experience that feeling than to talk “gibberish”.
I hope this answers most of your questions.
Blessings and Peace, Michael