No, actually. There are many documented NDEs where the patient has no brain function for more than thirty minutes but can accurately report events that have happened during that time. Ergo, consciousness or the “existent person” may be aware without detectable brain function.This is where we disagree. I see no evidence to suggest that attributes such as these are anything more than emergent properties of the human brain. I therefore do not agree with your definition of an individual.
I don’t agree that a person is an intangible entity. In every case of an existent person there is, at the very least, a tangible brain that must be alive and functioning for any of the attributes of a person to be detectable.
Which “attributes of a person” can even be “detected” without basing the methods of detection upon the “tangible brain” that is assumed to be behind them, thus begging the question? If you require physical detection to permit the existence of any “attributes of a person” how is THAT not circular since it assumes what you are trying to prove?