Plato, Philo, and Paul: The Influence of Platonic Thought on Paul’s Theosophy In an attempt to put St Paul into an historic context, the author trances Plato’s influence on Paul to Philo Judaeus. Whether he is correct or not is open to debate but it is another potential link between St Paul and Plato.
This from your source:
“While Paul and Philo were contemporaries, there is no primary evidence indicating that they ever met or corresponded. However, if we examine their education, their writing styles, their travels, and their common heritage, the probable influence of Philo (and by extension, Plato) on Paul becomes startlingly clear.
My theory is that Philo’s writings were the medium of transmission for Plato’s ideas to the Apostle Paul.”
As he says, it is a theory only.
I prefer to believe that Paul was inspired by Jesus first, then instructed by Peter and the apostles in what Jesus taught long before the Gospels were written. There would have been no need for the apostles to have been influenced by Plato. It was all there in Moses and Jesus. There is nothing taught in the gospels or in the Acts of the Apostles that suggests a connection between Plato and Jesus and Paul.
But I understand the temptation to make mountains out of molehills. There was a serious writer (can’t remember his name) who published back in the 60s I believe an essay in which he alleged that Freud got his idea for the Oedipus Complex by reading Sophocles’
Oedipus Rex. I doubt it. Freud would have had plenty of patients with mother-complexes to develop his own theory, and then just borrow the name of a famous case of tragic incest to label it.
Well, I guess critics and historians have to make a living, and one way to do that is to come up with sensational notions about previously unconnected heroes of history.
Again, I’d like to know of one doctrine taught by Paul that is derived from Plato rather than Christ.