Just like you can’t show a single concrete example of how it harms your relationship if you cheat and your wife never finds out. Yet you still believe it’s wrong.
It would seem that frobert understands this without any difficulty:
The spouse does not ever need to find out but the adulterer knows. The damage is to the relationship. The cheating spouse has abused the marital relationship.
As I think do you (understand it, that is). Leaving aside any argument as to whether an adulterous act may not be immoral (which is where the bone of contention lies), I think we can all understand that if there is a relationship of trust between a wife and her husband and either of them breaks that trust, then that constitutes harm. Let’s do a simple Q and A:
Q: Do you have a strong relationship with your wife?
A: Yes, it’s one that is based on love and trust.
Q: You wouldn’t cheat on your wife?
A: No, I wouldn’t.
Q: If, hypothetically, you did cheat, even if she never found out, what would be the outcome?
A: I wouldn’t do it, but hypothetically if I did, then that relationship of trust between us would be broken.
Q: So the relationship would be harmed. Even if she herself was unaware of it.
A: Yes.
OK, to move on…
You have said that gay marriages cause harm. Not just sometimes, but always and in all cases. Could you please tell me how that harm manifests itself?
The problem with assuming a “sentience” perspective on harm is that it restricts your definition of harm to that which you palpably feel to be harm.
In the case of a spouse being cheated on, you have a difficult time explaining how harm could have occurred if the cheated on spouse is not aware of the harm.
I’m not sure I have any difficulty at all. As I’ve noted, others seem to understand this quite well. The person who cheats recognises something has been harmed even if the person being cheated on does not. It has to assumed, obviously, that there is a relationship of trust within the marriage to start with.
Human beings have, beyond sentience, reason as a method of determining real harm. We don’t need to rely solely on sensory awareness. We can judge harm to our interests even where that harm is not palpable in some sensory way.
Do you imagine that I’m suggesting that there has to be physical harm? What about psychological harm? What about guilt or anguish? Are those examples of harm? I would say so.
The spouse being cheated on is being harmed because her/his interests - in a relationship that s/he has totally committed him/herself to on the assumption that the other person has as well - have been compromised.
Quite right. Are you not repeating here what I have been suggesting? That the relationship itself is harmed? The wronged person doesn’t actually have to be aware of this. It’s the breaking of the relationship that is wrong. Breaking it means…it is broken.
I would argue that your “harm must be sensed” requirement, by itself, is an indicator that your moral senses are compromised.
I’m not necessarily stating the case that it must be sensed but that is purely because it is impossible for harm to be done, from a moral perspective, when no-one is aware of it. The harm must be done intentionally otherwise the action which causes it cannot be construed as immoral so at least the perpetrator is aware of it. How could it be otherwise?
Can you conceive of something immoral where no-one is either harmed by it or is even aware that it has occurred?
The fact that “gay” individuals rely totally on sensory based hedonism to define what makes them who they are belies the fact that they have done harm to their own interests by replacing real long-term, though intangible, moral interests with fulfilment of pleasure seeking.
Being attracted to members of your own gender is ‘sensory based hedonism’? Gay people who want to get married are self-harming because they are just seeking pleasure as opposed to long term moral interests? Can you please explain what you mean by ‘long term moral interests’ that these gay people have rejected?
Interests such as having a happy marriage, a wonderful family with responsible, well-adjusted children, etc. are compromised by an insistence that their interests must be based upon uncompromised satisfaction of pleasure/emotion, conveniently forgetting that happy marriages and families are made by hard work, sacrifice and eschewing self-interest for the sake of others.
I think you’re showing some prejudice here. You are assuming, incorrectly and unfairly, that the aims you have just described and the requirements to achieve them are either not available to gay people or are not considered by them to be relevant. I have no idea how you might reach such a conclusion. Maybe you could expound…
A moral position that says, “My pleasure satisfaction will be my prime focus and any moral principles will be subordinated to that end,” will hit a conflict wall very quickly.
Ah yes. More hedonism. More pleasure seekers. These immoral lotus eaters aren’t really interested in the same things we are, are they. The pleasures of the flesh are what counts!
Gay marriage will likely not do much more harm to our culture…
A reasonable comment at last.