Did you miss a bit out there? Current laws in the UK allow gay marriage.
If we’re going to discuss gay marriage it might be pertinent to look at where it is allowed, what changes to existing laws were made, whether it restricts religious freedoms and whether it has caused, is causing or is likely to cause any harm.
The legislators that drafted current UK laws on marriage have placed themselves on a precariously teetering perch because what they are relying on is public opinion to solidify the law rather than grounding the law on a solidly formed ethical position.
"Society appears to endorse same sex marriage, but regards incest as taboo, therefore we’ll pander to society at large and not worry about the non-existent “incest lobby,” even though from a moral and legal perspective the revisionist definition of marriage grounding the new marriage law allows at least some forms of incest.
It is precisely this pandering to public opinion that allows them to write into the law that the Church of England can break the law at the same time as ordering the rest of British society to comply with it.
- The legislators clearly see that they have no solid moral standing for revising marriage laws which is why they are allowing the CofE to not comply, or
- The legislators believe they have achieved some high moral ground and the CofE is merely a pathetic vestige of some unenlightened age that can safely be ignored. Sort of like allowing your dotty old great aunt to say what she wants secure in the knowledge she won’t be taken seriously by anyone anyway.
Here’s the problem spelled out in a way that you cannot sidestep once again.
You claim sex is not requisite to a marriage but some form of intimacy that the partners choose can, but, not necessarily will, must be. (Sounds self-contradictory to me, but let’s continue.) The form that intimacy will take is completely left up to the partners to decide for themselves. Okay, let’s go with that.
Now, take two middle-aged sisters or brothers, say both in their mid-forties who have decided to commit to each other under your rules of “marriage.” They have a loving and committed relationship and they want others - especially the legal establishment and tax department of the federal government - to accord their relationship with the respect and benefits which are due to full-fledged marriage partners.
This is not, as Frobert would claim, an “abusive” relationship since it is marked by respect, loyalty and remarkable filial love.
Since, as you say, the physical intimacy in a marriage ought to be left entirely up to the partners, then the two brothers or sisters should be left alone to decide the nature of their physical relationship. No one, especially not the civil authority charged with dispensing marriage licenses, ought to inquire into their intentions regarding sex or the lack thereof. Since, as you claim, sex is not a requirement for marriage, and the level of physical intimacy ought to be left entirely to the couple, this couple meets all your requirements for a “lifelong committed and loving relationship.” Only some arbitrary rule, with no warrant for inclusion, would justify their exclusion from being “married.”
I view this as a powerful reductio ad absurdum of your definition for marriage. It seems painfully clear that two brothers or sisters ought never to be considered “married” in anywhere the same sense that a biologically unrelated heterosexual couple is. Yet, your definition allows that possibility and only on arbitrary grounds - no one would want it - can anything like a reasoned objection to a pair of brothers or sisters marrying ever be formulated, based upon your revised definition of “marriage.”
That is the problem with your definition and the current marriage law in England: what is supposed to be a bullet-proof rational argument and legal definition of terms undergirding a law is riddled with gigantic holes wherein legislators must rely on the “good-will” of possible objectors, law breakers, and various and sundry amoral human agents to tread with care lest the law be shown up for what it is - an ineptly phrased pandering to irrational public opinion.
Pity you can’t see that, or at least won’t admit it, for fear of compromising your already grossly compromised view.