The real issue is by what authority you can say that neither incest nor sodomy are psychological attractions resulting from a psychological disease. You say incest arises from abusive authority, but that would not be the case in a sibling relationship if the siblings were demanding the right to a marriage license. Why would it be for you to say that incestuous siblings are in an abusive relationship whereas sodomites are not? The common sense of mankind has always been (at least until the recent corrupt generation of psychologists) that both relationships arise from a defective psychological condition.Still goading!!! Tell us, what your motive is? Is it personal? Looking for a gotcha moment?Something else? What differences does it make that my opinion is that incest and SSM are not morally equivalent? Why is my opinion so important to you?
You really have my curiosity on a treadmill.
Your curiosity is on a treadmill because you don’t have a coherent explanation for why psychologists reversed themselves in order to validate same-sex attraction as no longer a mental disease. They lost the respect of a lot of people when they did that.
I believe psychologists have done a great deal in the last century to harm public morals, starting with Freud himself who declared theism to be a neurosis that the human race was destined to outgrow.
I won’t challenge your own credentials out of respect for your willingness to participate in this forum, but I cannot respect an organization of professionals who cannot present a coherent explanation for why same-sex attraction (culminating in sodomy) is as valid a sexuality as any other, and deserve the respect of a marriage license.
Keep treading!