Belief is two steps removed from the reality of what’s being believed. When we talk about belief we talk only about belief, not about anything else – belief creates its own reality
Okay, i’m not a philosopher, but here’s my take on the text: I am gonna have to disagree with it for the following reason:
The conclusion ultimately is that belief creates its own reality. It is false because it is incomplete. It would be true to say that belief can create its own reality (as in the American Idol example). But in the author’s empty cans and cups example, the interpretation of the mind in viewing the site and calling it trash did not in fact create a different reality. It merely expounded upon the reality observed, while not discarding the reality that it remains empty cans and cups.
The steps which the mind takes, as he described, are true. In fact they are a necessary result of an intellect and will, in my opinion, and frankly, common sense results.
But to say belief creates its own reality is not a correct statement. I would answer, “not necessarily”. Furthermore, to suggest such a thing would have tendency to lead people to relativism, which ultimately benefits no one.