And perhaps it has only evolved enough to get you to believe that it has “evolved enough”…?
Still better than no evolution in that direction, I think…
Are you sure it was intuition? It is easy to see some traces of an argument here (although it would mention evolution - and that’s a topic that is to be avoided)…
And, of course, hasty generalisation from a single example is also how such fads rise as well… Someone ate something and didn’t get sick. See? It also “works”! Why refuse something that “works”?
That works too… on a different level, from what I made work… so both may be right.
You were asking about just 2 (two). If you really want an answer, investigate them. If you do not want an answer, why are you asking?
Oh… you think this is about the distinction between Islam and Catholicism?.. it goes further… supposing one accepts a creator god, there are still many possibilities at how this creator god is, how he desires us to act, and how he has set up any form of afterlife.
But, from the harsh reality in plain sight, my first guess would be:
- He’s not around.
- He wants us to just survive to the best of our abilities - that should include taking care of our home, the planet.
- If there’s some afterlife, there doesn’t seem to be any way of getting info from there to here, so… how did anyone arrive at any description of such an afterlife?
You can read without agreeing, if you are interested in the argument. Hopefully, you are doing that in this thread.
I can… but it’s not the same thing.

I did!
Actual definition of a miracle by St. Thomas Aquinas (“Summa Theologica”, First Part, Question 105, Article 7 - “Wherefore those things which God does outside those causes which we know, are called miracles.”.
As you can see, it is not “magic done by a god”. And now - to spoil that fun a little…

So, how do you define that “magic”, and how do you know it (and miracles) does not exist? After all, you seem to be so sure here…
Hmm… yeah, magic is that which defies physical causality, or conservation of all the physical properties which are generally conserved… mainly energy.
It has always baffled me where the energy comes from for telekinesis, or transformation from one animal to another, or invisibility… the standard magical abilities from fiction… they all baffle me.
More so when we are just talking about “super-heroes” and instead of a fictional world where magic exists… Where does the energy to power the Hulk, or the Flash, or superman come from?
Anyway, how can I be sure that it doesn’t exist?.. I’m not.
I’d really like it to exist. I’d be a prime candidate to become indoctrinated into belief in magic…
But I haven’t seen any magic in this world… I have seen no reports by others claiming to have seen such magic… well, no credible reports.
Some people still try to sell cheap tricks as magic ( and some people still fall for them… and report back that they saw real magic being done with their own eyes, and then that story gets passed on as completely true. The many many charlatans leave a diminished likelihood that actual magic is possible.
No, in that case the most you could argue is that an idea (that does exist) has some consequences.
I think it comes down to the same, but ok. An idea has consequences in the physical macroscopic world.
Are you asking if a book is a possibility?
The idea in the book.
For that matter, why should I care if whatever you are really asking about is “a possibility”? What does that have to do with this discussion?
If an alternative explanation or reasoning for Step I is found, then all that follows can be brought into question.
You have already conceded that without logic there is nothing you can “reason out”.
Again, this is an alternative stopping point for Step I. If we can’t “reason out” anything, then no philosophizing can peer into that event that brought forth the big bang singularity.
Nobody dismisses the evidence. It is recorded.
The evidence from those past scientific experiments is never dismissed. It is recorded so we can look at them again and do our own analysis… or to compare against novel methods of gathering the same kind of data.
When the basic premise is itself an unknown… what did you expect?
The basic premise: God exists.
This is not known, it is believed (by some).
The unknowns count against Catholicism because one of those unknowns is also its basic premise.
In science, there are questions that are yet unanswered, but the basic premises stand… observation, hypothesis, testing. Whatever comes out, comes out. If it’s wrong, it’s wrong… if it seems right, as long as it can withstand testing, remains as scientific knowledge.