There you go.
All those would be testable… a nice video camera would do nicely…
Heck, like I said earlier, he could even do the same for us all… speak to us directly, and no more need for religious leaders, nor religious misleaders.
Sadly He doesn’t.
Why did God become shy after that?
Why must I hear what God desires from the mouths or pens (or keyboards) of humans?
Why all the arguments that PRmerger and MPat (and a few others), when all it would take to ensure all of humanity to agree was to repeat that very first action with Abraham…?
Do I need to spell out the problem of evil, so you’d give me Aquinas’ reply… “it’s a mystery”?
How about the mysterious psychological conditions that lead people to see, or hear, or experience things that aren’t there?
What percentage of the population currently suffers from that?
How would people from 5000 years ago interpret such experiences?
How about the very real capability that humans possess for fiction? Story-telling… does it matter if the story is true? Or just that it resonates with the audience? Judging by all the movies, books, tv-shows, etc. we get every year, I’d say the latter is quite important.
Suppose someone combined story-telling, with imagination, with entertainment, with the base desires of most people and delivered that to his closest group. And did so in the right proportions for each, so as not to break the spell, to keep the illusion of reality, while presenting fiction. They’d cheer and want more.
A bit like they show in this nice and silly movie:
It would be a somewhat rare event, as most people who attempt it would probably fail in presenting things in the correct proportions, but all it takes is a few to succeed… and then achieve some sort of perpetuation of the story.