Best Church accountability groups?

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Looking for the best groups out there…most informed, organized, influential. Which do you support (specifically regarding clergy abuse). Your (name removed by moderator)ut is greatly appreciated. Thoughts?
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Well, the Church is designed as self-regulating. It is not a democracy. The failure in recent decades is a result of laxity, not of the lack of safeguards.
Well, the Church is designed as self-regulating. It is not a democracy. The failure in recent decades is a result of laxity, not of the lack of safeguards.
Ridiculous. As evidenced by widespread “self regulatory” failure. Catholic accountability groups are just as much a part of the Church as those who have failed in their “laxity”.

So much good work to be had by lay groups with integrity. Why would you shun that?
Because the Church is slowly being destroyed by activist laity. Also from the top down by a hierarchy that has been horribly, even criminally lax and is now over burdened.

Just trying to ascertain your motives. If you are an abuse victim, legal groups abound.

If not, then what would you, as laity, do if empowered?
Because the Church is slowly being destroyed by activist laity…
I will never understand this lack of accountability and responsibility. Lay folks are to blame?! Ugh

My motivation is integrity. I’m looking for similar groups.
Surely there some folks who can point me to a few good Catholic accountability groups? Surprised at the lack of responses
Once again: What would you do? What action would you take if given the power?
How, in any way, does this relate to what I asked? I’m looking for groups that do good work to hold Catholic leaders accountable. Do you know or support any?
I do not understand your question, your thrust or your ultimate intent. Your primary question is loaded and causes me to wonder.

The Church has long had a system in place, action is now being taken, heads will roll.

What more do you want?

“Accountability” is a platitude. Be specific. Do you desire direct hire/fire control over the hierarchy? Civilian review boards like the police are subject to?

The Church is not accountable to you. Nor to anyone on earth. The Church is accountable to God alone.
Well said!
The Church is not accountable to you. Nor to anyone on earth. The Church is accountable to God alone.
Precisely what I am saying. There is an ominous tone to the very question of citizens - the laity - holding the hierarchy accountable. Frankly, it concerns me.

As to laity/civilians, it would include local, state and federal prosecutors, where the evidence warrants it. Activists (and I am NOT inferring that the OP is one) need to form their own church.
Precisely what I am saying. There is an ominous tone to the very question of citizens - the laity - holding the hierarchy accountable. Frankly, it concerns me.
Is this a widespread thing? Accountability of the hierarchy is concerning?
I really am looking for recommended Catholic groups focused on holding leadership accountable…to high standards of integrity, transparency, and responsibility.
Looking for the best groups out there…most informed, organized, influential. Thoughts?
Assuming you mean the vicarious ‘accountability’ and duty of care the Church might (ostensibly) have to prevent the criminal acts of individuals (hypothetically) under some chain-of-command authority,
I would have thought that the secular civil/State authorities were the best accountability group.

Surely, it’s a blatant conflict of interest to expect the Church to investigate and prosecute itself in matters of secular criminal law, as if theft, murder, rape, fraud, etc. were somehow in a different/unique category just because they occur within 50 yards of a Church.

If a thief robs a bank disguised as a nun, do we really need find a suitable ‘church accountability group’ to hold nuns accountable?
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