Betrayed by the GOP

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I got the following in the email today.

Would we be any worse-off with President Kerry ?

Does anyone know when a recall campaign can begin for a new President ?

"However, Mehlman’s choice of Ohio Republican activist and former state legislator Jo Ann Davidson to become co-chairman was not without concern from some pro-family groups who claim they helped elect Bush because of his stand on moral issues such as abortion and gay marriage.
Davidson, a 20-year veteran Ohio legislator and former Ohio Speaker of the House, has served on the advisory board of Republicans For Choice since it was created in 1990 as an effort to remove the pro-life plank from the Republican Party platform and to elect pro-abortion GOP candidates to maintain the legal status of abortion in America.

In fact, a January 13 New York Times story noted that the Republicans For Choice web site congratulated Davidson on her nomination to the GOP post and revealed that they “look forward to working with her to help make sure the concerns of pro-choice and moderate Republicans are heard within the Republican National Committee headquarters.”

A conservative issues advocacy group called Pro-Family Network of Ohio warned Republicans about Davidson’s views on abortion and gay marriage.

“Joann Davidson is the wrong choice as the Republican National Committee co-chair because she does not represent the values of the rank and file of the GOP,” commented Pro-Family Network of Ohio Executive Director Greg Quinlan.

Quinlan said Davidson’s tenure as Speaker of the House in the Ohio House of Representatives from 1995-2000 was filled with attempts to “add sexual orientation to the existing hate crimes laws in Ohio” among other liberal legislation.

“[Davidson] told her Republican caucus at that time that she supported the sexual orientation legislation, even though it was introduced by a Democrat,” Quinlan expressed.

Regarding the Defense of Marriage Act in Ohio, Quinlan said Davidson “not once, but twice … had the measure killed and is on record calling the legislation ‘unnecessary.’”

While RNC insiders credit Davidson for helping Bush win the crucial state of Ohio in the 2004 presidential election, Quinlan said values voters deserve to be commended for electing Bush despite the efforts by Davidson to thwart the Republican platform.

“These citizens and their churches registered Ohioans to vote and got them to the polls,” Quinlan revealed. “Davidson had nothing to do with these pro-family, pro-life, pro-parent voters going to the polls.”

Quinlan said he is shocked that the national Republican Party is blind to the fact that “Ohio delivered for President Bush because we support his social agenda.”

“Is this the thanks we conservatives, the vast majority of the Republican Party, receive?” Quinlan inquired. “Joann Davidson is not representative of the party at large but of the disconnected big tent elites, who think that the GOP can win in 2008 by becoming more like Democrats.”

He added, “The RNC needs to ask Ms. Davidson why she supports gay marriage and abortion. After all of our hard work in the past election, Republican voters have a right to these answers.”

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins also responded to the selection of Davidson in an e-mail to supporters on Tuesday by stating that she “established a poor rating with Ohio Right to Life during her tenure in office and serves on the advisory board of the Republicans for Choice PAC.”

“While many people vouch that Ms. Davidson is a tireless campaigner, her record and reputation on life and key family issues like marriage put her at odds with the hundreds of thousands of families that worked tirelessly, not only in Ohio, but across the nation to protect marriage and advance life,” Perkins contended in the e-mail. “Some say that Davidson’s elevation is a bow to the GOP’s ‘Old Bulls,’ but those bulls are old for a reason. They remind us of the party’s minority past not its hopes for a majority future.”

Republican National Coalition For Life Director Colleen Parro said Davidson “is not about building a culture of life, and evidently neither is Ken Mehlman.”

Davidson’s selection to become co-chairman of the Republican Party was unanimous at the RNC Winter Meeting in Washington, DC on Wednesday. She succeeds outgoing RNC co-chairman Ann Wagner.

“I look forward to spending the next two years traveling the nation exciting the grassroots base that is the heart of our party and spreading the President’s conservative message,” Davidson stated upon becoming RNC co-chairman. “Grassroots supporters propelled the GOP to historic gains last year, and will be the key to our success as President Bush implements the American people’s Election Day mandate.”
plenty of disillusion to go around for all sides… but, be not discouraged… just make sure to show up and vote at every opportunity…👍
This pains me greatly.

I am trying to find the silver lining in this. This much is true:

The Republican Party will not win in 2008 unless the candidate is pro-life (at least as pro-life as “exception for rape&incest” Bush).

This is just a fact. The GOP knows this.

But they ALSO know this:

They will not win in ’ 08 without a COALITION of voters of libertarian and republican stripes. Bush won with a growing base, that’s for sure, but the victory really came from plucking off Kerry’s MARGINS in the security, tax, and yes, life and marriage policies.

The ONLY hope for continuous advancement (in the public sector that is) of pro-life policies is the GOP.

The GOP has the funds and machinery to win bigtime elections. The Constitution Party etc DOES NOT.

The GOP is being strategic in this area, sending a signal to those that are (ignorant, yes, but) “moderate” on the issue of abortion. Saying that it is “still ok” to vote GOP.

Politcs makes me sick sometimes, and I couldn’t do it as a profession. But I see that the GOP is the only vehicle politically to drive the bus toward a pro-life society because it is smartly “using the middle” to advance our agenda one step at a time.

Ok, folks, I’m really for your criticism.

Here is the “doubter” in me:

I am beginning to suspect that the GOP is cleverly crafting methods to get our votes…without any real intention of coming through on what they promise. My guess is they will do something that appears to be “for life” during the next four years, that way they can come back to the pro-life people and ask for their votes.

Here is the thing: It is NOT in the best interest of the GOP to outlaw abortion!

Think about that…if they manage to outlaw abortion as all of us pro-lifers want…then the GOP will not be nearly as attractive to us as they are right now. The GOP knows that and they are playing the game for all they are worth. I am no longer convinced that the GOP wants to do anything about abortion, I think they want to use the issue of abortion to get our votes, election after election. Their strategy is to keep stringing us along year after, trying to convince us that the dems are the ones to blame…that is the evil dems that stop them from making abortion illegal–I ain’t buying the game anymore.

Unless the GOP makes a real change, they will not get my vote again. Speaking for myself, I would rather vote for a truly pro-life candidate that has no chance of winning, then to continue to vote for GOP candidates that have no REAL intention of making a change.

Now–as for the marriage issue, the amendment has basically been dropped…very nice considering that was also a major issue for most Christian voters. The dems have lost votes over the years because they went so liberal regarding marriage and abortion…the GOP is the same, they just hide it better.
My prediction is this. All of those social issues that persuaded those who earn less then $200,000 a year to vote for him will be ignored. Abortion will not change, there will be no marriage amendment, no prayer in school. What will happen is he will tear apart as many tax laws that he can, specifically the ones that hurt large corporations and millionaires. He will attempt to get a huge portion of social security dumped into wallstreet which will in turn get more CEO’s and their boards rich. They will all raise a glass to the poor farmer from Kansas that was scared into voting for GWB because he thought the country would become the next Soddom if the other guy got in.

It has been the same story for the past 20 years. The Republican gets voted into office because the religious people believe they are the moral party. There is nothing wrong with voting based on your morals, the problem is that the right does little to nothing in regards to the moral issues most of you wish to change. Reagan ran under a banner of restoring America to the morals of yesterday, did he ban aborion as he often preached should be done? Did he even push for a ban other then in some speeches? What has GWB done in regards to abortion or any other issue that amounts to more then political posturing? He signed a partial birth abortion ban, one that he and his conservative brothers knew would never hold up in the courts because it did not include an exception for the womans life.

If GWB wants Roe vs Wade overturned, why does he not just come out and say it? Then he could have Congress, which the Republicans control, draft an Amendment to ban abortion in some way.

As a Catholic who voted for Bush twice, it pains me to say that I am tending to agree with you. Hopefully, Bush will prove us both wrong.
They can fool me only once!
I think the expression you want is:

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee - I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can’t get fooled again.”

(sorry, cheap shot, couldn’t resist!)
Mind you, I did not vote for Bush. It does frustrate me that he won, but it would be easier to swallow if I did not think he fooled many people into voting for him. At least I could understand why those who vote based on their morals would vote for Bush. I could say, “Well, they are getting what they want done”, and it would make sense to me then. I swear to you that I just do not understand how they keep tricking true social conservatives to vote for them. I mean no offense by this post, I am simply as I said, frustrated.

Here is the “doubter” in me:

I am beginning to suspect that the GOP is cleverly crafting methods to get our votes…without any real intention of coming through on what they promise. My guess is they will do something that appears to be “for life” during the next four years, that way they can come back to the pro-life people and ask for their votes.

Here is the thing: It is NOT in the best interest of the GOP to outlaw abortion!

Think about that…if they manage to outlaw abortion as all of us pro-lifers want…then the GOP will not be nearly as attractive to us as they are right now. The GOP knows that and they are playing the game for all they are worth. I am no longer convinced that the GOP wants to do anything about abortion, I think they want to use the issue of abortion to get our votes, election after election. Their strategy is to keep stringing us along year after, trying to convince us that the dems are the ones to blame…that is the evil dems that stop them from making abortion illegal–I ain’t buying the game anymore.

Unless the GOP makes a real change, they will not get my vote again. Speaking for myself, I would rather vote for a truly pro-life candidate that has no chance of winning, then to continue to vote for GOP candidates that have no REAL intention of making a change.

Now–as for the marriage issue, the amendment has basically been dropped…very nice considering that was also a major issue for most Christian voters. The dems have lost votes over the years because they went so liberal regarding marriage and abortion…the GOP is the same, they just hide it better.
In the same way that the Dems scare their voters into voting for them to “save” them from the bigots and big bad business??

I see your point. I really do.

But while your vote for obscure candidate Z will be favorable for your salvation in heaven (Hey, that’s all there is, right?) it will be a LOSER on earth, because it will NOT advance our agenda beyond the private sector. And the pro-aborts will rejoice!!

The proof is in the pudding however, and the next two years will tell the story. Judges, judges, judges. The legislature is worthless when it comes to drafting laws because it will be thrown out! WE NEED JUDGES to restore the constitutionality of states’ rights on the matter, and then, no matter what happens in ’ 08, we can rest assured that our republican majority was worth it, even for just a couple of years.
I honestly doubt the SC will consider overturning Roe v Wade. Just my humble opinion.
I honestly doubt the SC will consider overturning Roe v Wade. Just my humble opinion.
With the current group? no.

With a couple of constitutionalists replacing O’connor, Stevens, or Bryer?? :yup:
But while your vote for obscure candidate Z will be favorable for your salvation in heaven (Hey, that’s all there is, right?) it will be a LOSER on earth, because it will NOT advance our agenda beyond the private sector. And the pro-aborts will rejoice!!

Hear hear. I am hangin’ with the Republicans and am currently worming my way into the local establishment. They’re good people really, but few want to talk about this issue at all. A couple weeks ago a 3rd party conservative candidate (who lost a close race) raked us over the coals on this and the deficit issue. You couldda heard a pin drop. But at least they listened without all the rhetoric and shouting down the Dems would have given him. As I said in another thread today, a lot of people are implicated in abortion and it’s human nature to think, well if I did it/demanded it/paid for it/drove my daughter to the abortion mill for it, who am I to stop others. That’s the trouble with sin that is so entrenched.
With the current group? no.

With a couple of constitutionalists replacing O’connor, Stevens, or Bryer?? :yup:
But do you really see that happening?
But do you really see that happening?
Yes. Rehnquist replaced by a like-minded judge, and ONE other retirement, a huge fight, but a win, replacing an activist with a constructionist.

I still hope and pray that Bush will make a very REAL difference for life–he just started his second term so there is time yet. However, once his first year is over he will start to become a lame duck.

You are correct that if I vote for pro-life candidate “z,” I will have no impact on improving the situation for life and pro-aborts rejoice when people do that. However…**if all faithful Catholics and all faithful Christians voted for candidate “z,” our voice would be heard loud and clear. **

Our collective goal should be to convince the dems and the repubs that they will NEVER get our vote unless they tirelessly work to make abortion iilegal–that only candidates that do so will receive our votes.

There are nearly 70,000,000 Catholics in this country…and nearly 170,000,000 "other Christians. It is time to make our voices heard.


I still hope and pray that Bush will make a very REAL difference for life–he just started his second term so there is time yet. However, once his first year is over he will start to become a lame duck.

You are correct that if I vote for pro-life candidate “z,” I will have no impact on improving the situation for life and pro-aborts rejoice when people do that. However…**if all faithful Catholics and all faithful Christians voted for candidate “z,” our voice would be heard loud and clear. **

Our collective goal should be to convince the dems and the repubs that they will NEVER get our vote unless they tirelessly work to make abortion iilegal–that only candidates that do so will receive our votes.

There are nearly 70,000,000 Catholics in this country…and nearly 170,000,000 "other Christians. It is time to make our voices heard.

I imagine we will have this debate again…and again. It’s an age old political arguement.



Again, you may counter that “they still are!” even with Bush in office.

True. The reality is sickening. But the solution(s) are not a wave of the wand. It will take years. Lives will be lost, but lives will be saved. The pendulum is swinging in our direction.

Again, Bush has maybe a year to do something real, after that he starts to become a lame duck. You are fooling yourself (no disrepect intended) if you think the GOP has a higher ground on this issue compared to the dems…I used to think that, but the GOP has not saved one unborn American life and they are not any closer today. President Bush has made agenda…and abortion and marriage ain’t part of the menu…we’ll just have to see.

BTW, salvation is the most important thing we can receive…do not belittle that unmerited gift from God. Our Lord will judge our actions and our choices…if the GOP has done nothing real to save lives by the end of Bush’s term, then all Christians must give serious thought to NOT voting for republicans again. If they do nothing real about abortion, then they have proved they are NOT worthy of our vote. The key for us to not “hate” the dems so much, that we cannot see the GOP is no better.

The solution is easy…we must stand as one voice…not many. Getting us to stand as one voice is the hard part. In our collective minds there should be nothing remotely close to the issue of abortion–yet many Catholics are torn between life issues, and money issues…we cannot serve two masters…we must choose who we will serve…we either serve Christ and His life…or we serve the world and money–it cannot be both.
TPJCatholic: BTW, salvation is the most important thing we can receive…do not belittle that unmerited gift from God.
Whoa!! I didn’t belittle it! You misread that. I was in fact saying that salvation in Heaven IS all there is!

AND…we are here on earth to work, with all our human limitations (and that of our neighbors) toward God’s will.

If you think that life and marriage aren’t on the menu, do you have that menu to show me?? All you have is that it isn’t in the news cycle right now. Iraq will dominate the next two weeks. The State of the Union will give you a better picture of the menu, don’t you think???

Politics are about showing your hand when it is opportunistic to do so. I just don’t completely agree with your cynicism about the GOP “playing to it’s base” only to win votes.
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