I find this thread rather confusing.
First of all Post number 1 is an atheist asking for a “theological” answer as to why God does not heal an amputee.
First of all an atheist according to the dictionary is one who does not believe in God or a god or denies it. But asking for a “theological” answer which has a meaning of “based upon the nature and will of
God as revealed to humans” (emphasis mine) is sort of an oxymoron, don’t you think? If one does not believe in something, why is he looking for an answer that naturally would be derived exactly from what that person refuses to believe? So any answer would obviously be meaningless to that person.
Also I never heard of an amputation to be considered an illness. Yes, there may be an illness associated with the amputation, but as such an amputation is a removal of a digit or limb and not a disease in itself. Remember Jesus said if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off (amputate) and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
Another thing, we know that ALL knowledge comes from God. God has given man the knowledge to be able to sew back fingers, hands, feet, legs, arms, etc., in many instances. God IS working through those doctors since they got their knowledge from God.
BB, already has said that even if he were to read about or witness the re-growth of a limb that will not convince him there is a God but he
I can’t answer. After all, I don’t know the mind of God.’
I don’t understand, you don’t believe in God but yet you state you don’t know the mind of God. Rather confusing.
I understand that you can not tempt or test God. Indeed, it’s laid out clear in the Bible: “Do not test the LORD your God as you did at Massah” (Deuteronomy 6:16). I’m a former Catholic, so I know the “do’s and don’ts”. It’s because of this verse in Deuteronomy that I disagree with fellow atheists that we should subject prayer to an experiment; as in, test the efficacy of prayers in laboratory conditions. It doesn’t work that way
So then you agree that the existence of God cannot be proved scientifically but still you are asking for a theological answer which of course you have already made up your mind will not accept any =theological answer which of course precludes a belief in God.
You don’t believe in God but yet you are quoting from the Bible which we claim is God’s word. Reminds me of this story I heard many years ago. People were asking a professed atheist why he would make the sign of the cross every time he passed in front of a Catholic Church if he didn’t believe in God. He answer was “Well, just in case.”
I think you DO believe in God, but you are angry because you didn’t get your prayer answered in the way you wanted and now you are striking at him. Reminds me of the movie “Amadeus” where Salieri didn’t get his way and was upset at how God could give a despicable man like Mozart such talent and he had prayed and prayed God to make him well known and didn’t get his wish so he then decides to do battle with God thinking he would win. Well, when we chase God from our lives that only leaves us with only one destination.
You are in my prayers.