The position from which you mentally position yourself to interpret the reading is actually pretty good. I would stand back a little bit farther, and view the verses with a teensy-weensy bit less detail and a little bit more hindsight.Again sorry to disturb the flow of the thread, but I couldnt resist posting my thoughts. on this 19th Sunday in ordinary time Gospel, from Matthew 14:22-33.
Jesus made disciples get into the boat [church] go on ahead to the other side [leading the way to the spirit so to speak away from the ways of flesh?]…he went to hills to pray.prefiguring his ascension, when he would pray to the father for them? and leave them] Evening came…boat far out on the lake [Church alone without the immediate recognisable -presence of Christ, in the sea of despair among the dammed] battling with a heavy sea [prob some sign of persecution/fear] for there was a headwind [Not sure what a heavy wind suggests? Trouble? But there was a violent wind immediately before the Lord came in 1Kings 19:12, and indicated the coming of the Holy spirit in Acts 2]. 4th watch of the night he went towards them [number 4 is a type for “everyone” I think one of your posts says, Night to me suggests abandonment, despair,(just like at Golgotha-darkness came when He died) perhaps for everyone in the world without Christs presence, there is only despair]…they saw him walking on the lake. [Someone earlier in a post said, he is above the dammed/the lost, superior, separate from their ways so to speak]…it’s a ghost [perhaps an indication of the appearance of the resurrected Christ? Or transfigured Christ? ] Peter said…If it is you tell me to come out across the water… [Perhaps an allusion to the early Acts, when peter filled with the spirit speaks out across the water-to the dammed-those who haven’t embraced the gospel] Come…just like his invitation to follow in the end of John 21:22] peter got out of the boat [He lead the Church militant to the Church triumphant in heaven across the waters of despair , or [perhaps leading the church from the way of the flesh to the way of spirit?] He felt the force of the wind and started to sink [again the strong wind thing! Not sure= Trouble? My earlier logic may fail me here] peter said Lord save me! Jesus put out his hand at once and held him. [Perhaps a reference to the receiving of the spirit at Pentecost]. They got into the boat and the wind dropped back in the safety of the Church, with the spirit now. Note the wind dropped, so we now have a gentle wind, which represents the presence of God, as the verse in Kings cited in the first reading and above suggests, and also in the Genesis 3:8] they bowed down before him [all in the boat, they realised the lord in his saving action and worshipped], so now the Church proceeds with its bridegroom/spirit along to the other side (to salvation), all the time in the presence of Christ indicating the real sacramental presence of Christ among us today, until the end of time, or end of our time, when we reach the other side], all the while for the ship to float, it must keep its ways separate from the waters of the dammed,(ultimately it’s a balance, as we all know the church is full of wheat and tares) or else it will ultimately sink, short of its goal-the other side.
This has been a fun experiment:yup: . Can you give me any indication as to the validity of anything I said? If my interpretation is correct, I bet some early church father has already said it.
God bless
When Jesus dispatches the Apostles in the boat (Boat Type = “Church”) to the other side of Gennesaret Lake (Abyss Type = “the sea of damnable souls”), and then ascends to the “hills” (Mountain Type = “God’s dwelling place,” that really is a good picture of Christ ascend to Heaven and the Church commnencing its mission on the Sea of Damnable Souls to the enbd of time.
Note also that this story is a kind of mini-picture of Noah’s flood. (There the raven released by Noah is Christ ascending to Heaven.)