As for the question about how does this help the average reader, I would say there’s a good possibility that it may not and while I won’t give specific example from other post - which I did find enlightening however I just want to go in a slightly different direction.
I think we are missing an important point when talking about Daniel as we have. I belive the real value of the study of scripture in this light lies in the fact that through the use of Biblical Criticism, Daniel was identified as a particular style of writing whose gerne was understood by the people of Daniel’s time and place. It is a literary style that was known and found in other cultures as well.
What I am talking about is that the importance of the study of Daniel is Daniel is an peice of Apocolyptic Liturature. This type of writing has a specific style and is written for a particular groupe. Briefly, it is written for a people who is being persecuted, it describes the persecution as a conflict of “armed struggle” inwhich the antagonist in the begging is winning but then the
people for whom the liturature is being written triumphs because of there faith and perservence.
Again, it was a style of liturature well known though out the Mediterrian world so much so that this actually the same type of liturature that we find in Revelations. So with that understanding of Daniel that was developed though Biblical Criticism, then perhaps the answers to some of the questions raised are made easier, as well as the actual message of the Book of Daniel itself.
I think we are missing an important point when talking about Daniel as we have. I belive the real value of the study of scripture in this light lies in the fact that through the use of Biblical Criticism, Daniel was identified as a particular style of writing whose gerne was understood by the people of Daniel’s time and place. It is a literary style that was known and found in other cultures as well.
What I am talking about is that the importance of the study of Daniel is Daniel is an peice of Apocolyptic Liturature. This type of writing has a specific style and is written for a particular groupe. Briefly, it is written for a people who is being persecuted, it describes the persecution as a conflict of “armed struggle” inwhich the antagonist in the begging is winning but then the
people for whom the liturature is being written triumphs because of there faith and perservence.
Again, it was a style of liturature well known though out the Mediterrian world so much so that this actually the same type of liturature that we find in Revelations. So with that understanding of Daniel that was developed though Biblical Criticism, then perhaps the answers to some of the questions raised are made easier, as well as the actual message of the Book of Daniel itself.