Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'

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Joe Biden wants a collapse of society
I had all sorts of responses ready for this and many of the other inflammatory and demonstrably false posts you have made recently, but decided against it, for the sake of my mental equilibrium and blood pressure. Welcome to the Ignore bucket.
I bring up Canada because it’s liberal in many ways and I’m sure a model for how Democrats in the USA would like certain things to be run.
Liberal means the exact opposite in Aus. Have the Democrats ever stated they want ‘certain things’ to be run the same as in Canada. USA and Canada have completely different government syles. Canada has a Queen, its a monarchy, part of the Commonwealth. USA is a republic.
That was just boogeyman talk. I actually laughed when I read it, with Canada of all place being the monster we must avoid. This is an excessive of nationalism. Please know that there are still many Americans who believe in living by the Golden Rule, even in face of American exceptionalism.
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It’s a bit odd worrying that a politician is going to wreck the Church when said politician probably goes to Catholic Mass more often than 80-90 percent of the allegedly Catholic politicians out there. He also reportedly prays the Rosary, to the point where there was some TV docudrama with him as veep praying the Rosary in it. (I did not see this but my Protestant husband did and mentioned it to me, partly because a ring rosary was being used and husband had never seen one.)

You don’t think he is going to get any grace from God from all that Mass going and praying? I doubt he has been doing it for show either when he goes to all the trouble to plant his deceased family in the Catholic cemetery right near his house and go over to that church and graveyard on what seems to be a regular basis.

Biden is an elderly man, half of his immediate family are dead. He’s obviously got some kind of a faith life going on in him somewhere. We should pray that it increases.
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It’s a bit odd worrying that a politician is going to wreck the Church when said politician probably goes to Catholic Mass more often than 80-90 percent of the allegedly Catholic politicians out there. He also reportedly prays the Rosary, to the point where there was some TV docudrama with him as veep praying the Rosary in it.
I can’t tell you how discouraging it is to hear someone say we should trust a politician’s orientation towards the Church because he attends mass and prays the rosary. When that same politician openly officiates same-sex ‘wedding’ ceremonies, vows to expand the direct murder of children through abortion, and vows to fight against the rights of religious sisters to not have to pay for contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient coverage.

Some of these things are more relevant to “true religion” than others.

If other politicians who call themselves ‘Catholic’ do even less than Biden, that’s their own tragedy and scandal. It doesn’t lessen Biden’s scandal.

A rosary waved in my face gives the waver zero credibility. Not when they’re unrepentantly pro-abortion and pushing to expand it.

I’m with you on your final line, speculating that he’s:
… got some kind of a faith life going on in him somewhere. We should pray that it increases.
I hope that God does work with him and he cooperates. As I gave Trump the benefit of the doubt and hoped for him to do well and for people to cooperate in helping him to do well, I will hope the same for Biden.

But until he actually starts acting differently than he’s acted in the past, a rosary doesn’t begin to make up for his unrepentant and ongoing scandal on issues of literal life and death. Until then, having the word ‘catholic’ attached to him actually makes things seem worse.
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I can’t tell you how discouraging it is to hear someone say we should trust a politician’s orientation towards the Church because he attends mass and prays the rosary.
Sorry you’re discouraged, but as someone who worked in Washington for a long time and had Catholic parents who worked in Washington a long time, I stand by my opinion. If you want to somehow claim I’m not practicing the “true religion”, that’s your issue, not mine.

And if you don’t think his own rosary makes up for his behavior, then you say an extra one for him just like you would for any Catholic who you think is falling down.
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If you want to somehow claim I’m not practicing the “true religion”, that’s your issue, not mine.
To clarify, I made no suggestion about your religion.

I do question Biden’s, if all it comes down to is a butt in a pew and a rosary in the hand, while he pushes to expand the direct murder of innocents.

Now maybe that’s not all it comes down to – that’s between him and God, not you and me – but you brought it up, as the only two things you could point to as evidence that Biden should be seen as a politician who will have good or neutral (instead of bad) impact on the Catholic Church. You brought up the evidence of butt in a pew, and rosary in the hand.

So I’m replying that that’s discouraging, if you actually think that’s adequate evidence that a politician will govern in a way that is good for Catholics. When that same politician is simultaneously doing the other things I mentioned.
And if you don’t think his own rosary makes up for his behavior, then you say an extra one for him just like you would for any Catholic who you think is falling down.
Sorry, I’m too busy being scandalized out of the Church myself. Feel free to say a rosary for me to come back if you think it’s worth anything.
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This is one of those times in history that we will face persecution. We need to hold fast to our beliefs.
This is one of those times in history that we will face persecution. We need to hold fast to our beliefs.
I am afraid you are right. It has always been important to keep up our prayer life; now, it’s critical.

I hope everyone also has a close prayer group with people they know well. Such groups, under Soviet Communism, were all important. They kept the faith alive, even with priests had been killed or taken to the gulag.
A ruling by the US Supreme Court in June of this year forced Montana to modify the provisions of its Blaine Amendment. Montana was offering public tax-credit scholarship money to students that could be used in either public or private schools, but not if the schools were religious. The Supreme Court ruled this was a violation of the Free Exercise of Religion clause of the 1st Amendment.

To answer Daniel27’s question, private vs. public schooling does not have any bearing on these proposed laws. If the state were allowed to permit a religious school to enforce separation of students based on biological gender, then the state would be permitting discrimination, even if the tenets of that faith REQUIRED such separation. IOW, any religious exemption for any of these perceived acts of discrimination is allowing that discrimination to exist in defiance of the law.
So are you saying that basically the supreme court’s ruling was opposed to the written law?
My belief is anyone who is physically and psychologically fit to serve in the military should be allowed to do so without discrimination.
There’s also hope that this research will give us a new understanding of gender dysphoria — the psychological distress that many transgender people experience because their assigned gender doesn’t match the way they see themselves …

A lot of transgender people who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder or depression or anxiety are actually suffering from gender dysphoria
Do you believe gay people are mentally sound enough to serve in the military?
So are you saying that basically the supreme court’s ruling was opposed to the written law?
Yes! Precisely! That’s what it’s supposed to do! It said that this written law violated elements of the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, and so it struck down those elements.
That was just boogeyman talk. I actually laughed when I read it, with Canada of all place being the monster we must avoid. This is an excessive of nationalism. Please know that there are still many Americans who believe in living by the Golden Rule, even in face of American exceptionalism.
You can call it bogeyman talk if you want. I posted actual articles. My spouse is Canadian and we have plenty of relatives there. I know that things are a lot more liberal there in general, and many people are rather hostile to religion at this point.
Sorry, I’m too busy being scandalized out of the Church myself. Feel free to say a rosary for me to come back if you think it’s worth anything.
The Church is not comprised of the butts in the pew nor the hands holding rosaries. It is the God-Man Jesus Christ hanging on the cross and become bread and wine to feed us.
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. (Matt 24)
All of us fail him from time to time but he will not fail us.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-9)
I’m sorry, but any Catholic who votes for Joe Biden is voting against their better interests. Biden, like the leftists he supports, is against the Christian religion. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Well liberals dissent from the teachings of Jesus so they consider Biden their better interest. There were probably Catholics on the way to the guillotine that said ‘they’re really not going to do this to us’ and others saying ‘but but I agree with you’…
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The only thing to do is resist and hold the ground. they might spit in our faces or call us names but they can’t do anything worse to us today than what our ancestors endured in the Roman Empire. We can certainly stand up to the legions of Woke and PC culture. Now is the time more than ever to be more outspoken and more defiant against the tide.
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