Biden's White House Deputy Chief Of Staff Calls Republicans ******

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Some advisers close to President-elect Joe Biden are frustrated over a Glamour magazine interview in which incoming White House deputy chief of staff Jen O’Malley Dillon referred to Republicans on Capitol Hill as “f–kers.”

The other side: “Could she have used a different adjective, sure,” said one Biden official. “But if you know Jen … she is real, she is authentic, she says it how it is.”
This is the show of “unity” I guess.
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One wonders how ‘real’ and ‘authentic’ said Democrats would be to such epithets aimed at them. But hey, anybody using such would not be ‘real’ and ‘authentic’ but only deplorable idiots, right?

I’m showing my age here possibly but for me a person who uses such vulgar language in any setting (and I include dropping a hammer on one’s foot) shows a lack of character and a coarse moral fiber which speaks poorly of how the person will behave in any circumstance but especially in a crisis or unknown situation.
It got worse because Kate Beddington, Biden’s Communication Director defended the remark. saying “It was spot on.”
This is not helping…
Stephanie Cutter defended Jen O’Malley-Dillon’s … asserting that “Jen just had the guts to say it.”

Cutter, an official with President-elect Joe Biden’s Presidential Inaugural Committee and a longtime senior adviser to former President Barack Obama ,
Representative AOC can’t stay out of it

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I guess Hilary doesn’t get that people are offended by those calling for unity cursing their opponents. Kind of off-putting to those whose unity is being sought.
Since the members of the Democratic Party hierarchy are presenting themselves on the ‘moral high ground’ and calling for unity, and since one of the complaints supposedly against Mr. Trump was that he was crude and vulgar and thus unworthy of being a prominent politician on that ground, it DOES puzzle me that not only does a prominent member of said Democratic Party use the same kind of vulgarity that Mr. Trump was condemned for, but that even more prominent members of the party double down and claim hypocrisy for somebody saying, “That language is foul.”

It’s a though if a person who ever approved of anything that Mr. Trump did (because ‘support’ does not equate to ‘unquestioningly being behind every single thing he did or said, any more than say Bernie Sanders is behind every single thing Joe Biden has done or said) is somehow then embracing every ‘wrong’ action, even if they have criticized Mr. Trump’s language all along.

I think the true hypocrisy is that these people in the Democratic Party, to include now Ms. Clinton, are just as rude, crude, disrespectful of their constituents, and absolutely apparently BLIND to their own bad behavior. They demand that others adhere to standards which they will not accept for themselves.

I find ANY person who is so vulgar and obnoxious in attitude a hypocrite. And yes, I’m sure I’ve been guilty of various hypocrisies in my life, though not vulgar language praise God, and I’ll admit to any one of them when I fail. And then I’ll go back to trying to do the right thing. That’s the difference.

Had these people any couth a sincere apology, “Good gracious, now I’m being vulgar. I am sorry. Thank you for pointing it out. If I criticize somebody for bad language and then use it myself, that’s wrong” would have brought forth a real hope that people ARE determined to try to bring about unity. We’d know that not only did the Democrats recognize the meanness of vulgar speech and crude treatment, but that they wouldn’t do it themselves and that if they failed in that aim, they’d take responsibility and try again.

Sadly though, it’s politics as usual.

And I would say the same if it had been a Republican speaker and I have criticized Mr. Trump when his speech has been vulgar.
For the record Biden used the word when whispering to Obama about the Affordable Care Act back in 2010. The world heard it but dismissed it as it was not used to smear anyone. I am guessing the world has changed in accepting the word as cheerful these days. No matter how it’s used, it’s defamatory.
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So what. It is always tit for tat in politics. It is hardly newsworthy.
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So what. It is always tit for tat in politics. It is hardly newsworthy.
.This position is appointed by Joe Biden. If Mark Meadow had called Democrat ******* in Glamour magazine, he would be stepping down now looking for a new job…

It is this hypocritical attitude that Democrats can repeatedly insult Republican voters.
Such actions are only noteworthy if you expected something better from the person. That is why a republican acting this way would be front page news, and a democrat doing it is a “so what?” moment.
This position is appointed by Joe Biden. If Mark Meadow had called Democrat ******* in Glamour magazine, he would be stepping down now looking for a new job…

It is this hypocritical attitude that Democrats can repeatedly insult Republican voters.
Should we start finger pointing all politicians, lets trawl the last 4 Republican years for

the displayed
show of “unity”
Again so what, politicians is as politicians does.
This position is appointed by Joe Biden. If Mark Meadow had called Democrat ******* in Glamour magazine, he would be stepping down now looking for a new job…
It is this hypocritical attitude that Democrats can repeatedly insult Republican voters.
Should we start finger pointing all politicians, lets trawl the last 4 Republican years for
Hypocrites - don’t say you are taking the high road and then call everyone F******.
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why bother? after the horror show of the last 4yrs, they deserve no respect.
That is not a Christian response, nor a civil response. Justifying such crudity and lack of dignity is no better than any of the terrible justifications I have seen in the last four years.
Should we start finger pointing all politicians, lets trawl the last 4 Republican years for

the displayed
If Mark Meadow had called Democrat ******* in Glamour magazine, he would be stepping down now looking for a new job…
There is no way to know that. Whataboutism is bad, but it is worse when it is nothing but blind speculation.
Hypocrites - don’t say you are taking the high road and then call everyone F******.
That was uncharitable, and inaccurate. You have no business calling anyone here a hypocrite based on lumping people with different views together as “the other side”
And their followers continue imitating this nonsense, while calling out others who do the same.
Hypocrites - don’t say you are taking the high road and then call everyone F******.
That was uncharitable, and inaccurate. You have no business calling anyone here a hypocrite based on lumping people with different views together as “the other side”
I said it was hypocritical of Democrats who say they are taking the high road and then call Republicans "*****>
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