Not sure I follow. Matter exists, right? Matter could as easily not exist.
Why does it exist as opposed to not exist?
Who/what caused that matter to exist?
Your questions are very good and they do make sense even to the atheists. They just choose to ignore it. But ignoring or dismissing the question does not make the question disappear. They just leave it unanswered.
The first question as to why it exists, as I said, makes no sense to me. The second, as to what caused it to exist (the ‘who caused it’ makes no sense to me either), is: Nobody knows.
You can choose to ignore the question, if you like, but it is incorrect to say that the question makes no sense. The only questions that really make no sense are those that don’t mean anything, such as the question, “Why is biology perpendicular to music?” All the terms of the question are meaningful, but the question itself makes no sense because it is just a meaningless juxtaposition of meaningful words. But the question “Why does matter exist?” is a meaningful question that scholars have attempted to answer for ages.
Now, to the question, “What or who caused it to exist,” you said, “Nobody knows.” But how did you know that? Did you listen to everybody and hear what each has to say?
I’m incapable of imagining something coming from nothing (I’m actually incapable of imagining nothing) so I have a tendancy to think that existence is eternal. Never ending.
Of course, existence is eternal, because existence is the very nature of God. I think that what you meant to say is that you tend to think that
matter is eternal, right? Actually, that is also what many scientists think. They don’t prove it, though. They just postulate it as true without proof.