And I am sure that the impact of God’s love is zillion times more uplifting and consoling that the love of that small child.
I think, perhaps, a better metaphor for God’s love (especially if one is familiar with Scripture) would be that of a husband and wife.
Now, to be sure, there are references in holy writ of the people of God being like a “small child”, but no one who has even an elementary exposure to Scripture can deny that the metaphor of prominence is that of a spousal relationship between God and His people.
Now, far be it from me to doubt the sincerity of your word. But it is my suspicion that you never actually experienced God’s love… you just believe you did. I apologize up front for these words. I would not want to insinuate any dishonesty on your part. I just think that you are mistaken… and there is nothing wrong with being mistaken.
I am going to take a chiral approach here and offer this:
As I referenced above, the better icon in this discussion is the spousal relationship (SOOOO many references in the Bible–best to just read it in its entirety and you will see this, Vera).
And it is my suspicion that even if* you’ve never actually experience the unconditional love of a spouse (or, for that matter, of a parent), you
could project what that would be like.
And then you can see, from watching others who may have experienced this unconditional love, that people STILL reject that love from time to time. Despite their best efforts, they fight with their beloved, they choose themselves over others.
So it is my suspicion that even if* you’ve never actually experienced this type of unconditional love, you could understand that folks reject it.
All the time.
*even if: no commentary is being made about your actual experiences in childhood or with adult relationships. It is simply a rhetorical narrative I am proposing for the purposes of making clearer to you how love works sometimes.
And I would not want to insinuate any dishonesty on your part, but I wonder if the inability to understand how one could reject love is simply a pretense? Yes?