Well, we’ll just have to disagree on this.
2000 years ago only a few people supposedly saw this miracle with their own eyes.
Most people would not believe a story like that unless they heard it from someone they knew and trusted or saw it themselves.
The point Pumpkin is making is…if billions saw a miracle today, perhaps even together, it would have way more effect. If a God wanted to prove something or confirm he/she existed or wanted people to convert to a specific religion…it would only take a few minutes.
Sure, there will always be the ones who can never be convinced away from what they believe. But a big miracle today seen by millions would convince billions of people and that would surely go a long way.
But why would God need to? In I forget the movie regarding either aliens or supernatural beings… someone asks why and the other human says “do you ever explain yourself to a cockroach?”
So, in a sense and the best analogy available is say kids and dogs. We show/explain certain things to them but in some cases not all.
But why? Because we either know better or know they won’t understand.
In the case of dogs more than kids, it is not even relevant to “prove” ourselves right.
What God does is give us what we need and we choose to take or leave it. To say He “needs” to prove something or even to approach it with that mentality is laughable when you think about it.
A dog doesn’t comprhend why it can’t poop in a particular spot as deemed by its human… but a good dog listens anyway. A bad dog keeps pooping there and probably in its crazy dog head demands a proven reason that satisifies its greatness to warrant any poop cessation.
So when we bark orders at heaven and demand more, we are kind of acting like that dog who always poops where it shouldn’t
But in all seriousness, why do people have events and still not believe?
I mean forget proving to me or you or Joe down the block.
Why do some athesits have serious undeniable events that to them alone occured. They show not a single sign of mental issue and have just seen “something” in some miracle form. And they tell the story but proceed to be atheist?
I have quite a few atheist friends who report some serious events in their past and I don’t mean human type ones.
But yet they all approach God as clearly not proving Himself. With at best a half a maybe the events prove… but IDK maybe not.
Maybe not?
So when and where would they believe? I know atheists who have seen more supernatural things than any believer I ever met… and yet they do not believe.
So what, when, where would my athesits ever believe.
Not saying any here fit the bill, but as solid evangelical athesits, why would an athesit who has witnessed these things you all seek still maintain a solid atheism or at the very least agnosticism.