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Depends on the seminary, or diocese. I haven’t really heard of any minor seminaries that wear them. But then again I am not familar with many minor seminaries.
Are you a seminarian? If so, ask your formators or your vocations director–they’d be more likely to give you a helpful answer. Policies on such things vary from seminary to seminary and from diocese to diocese; sometimes the policy of a seminary might not be that of a diocese. Furthermore, if you are a minor seminarian, you should focus on your formation first and foremost, and growing in the love of Our Lord and the service of His Church, and worry about your headgear later.

Are you a seminarian? If so, ask your formators or your vocations director–they’d be more likely to give you a helpful answer. Policies on such things vary from seminary to seminary and from diocese to diocese; sometimes the policy of a seminary might not be that of a diocese. Furthermore, if you are a minor seminarian, you should focus on your formation first and foremost, and growing in the love of Our Lord and the service of His Church, and worry about your headgear later.

He just asked a simple question. Hes probably just excited about his journey and wants to know everything. Im like that too when Im excited about doing something great.
Yea, I think I have some of the same excitement he has. I can’t wait till the day I can order a cassock, even if I can only wear it while serving mass.
Are you a seminarian? If so, ask your formators or your vocations director–they’d be more likely to give you a helpful answer. Policies on such things vary from seminary to seminary and from diocese to diocese; sometimes the policy of a seminary might not be that of a diocese. Furthermore, if you are a minor seminarian, you should focus on your formation first and foremost, and growing in the love of Our Lord and the service of His Church, and worry about your headgear later.

LOL That’s good advice. I’m just daydreaming about what I would be like as a priest (Horrible if I got ordained right now!!). I’m not too crazy about birettas or anything, my parish priest has one and it looks cool. I just wanted to know if I’m allowed to try it on.
Yea, I think I have some of the same excitement he has. I can’t wait till the day I can order a cassock, even if I can only wear it while serving mass.
I would be a cassock and biretta wearing priest when I become one. Of course I wouldn’t wear my biretta all the time, people would think I’m weird or something. But following my parish priest’s example, I would wear my cassock for the entire time I’m inside my parish.😃
Instead of a biretta which is more for church functions wear a saturno without the black cord. That’s what I’m thinking about getting in a few years if I am called to progress past college seminary and enter Major Theology. 😃
Instead of a biretta which is more for church functions wear a saturno without the black cord. That’s what I’m thinking about getting in a few years if I am called to progress past college seminary and enter Major Theology. 😃
Sounds cool, but what is a saturno?
One rarely sees birettas anymore especially among Lutheran and Anglican priests.
The dress for seminarians is whatever their rector says it is! Also, not wanting put put a dampener on your enthusiasm cassocks (and birettas) tend to be rather expensive! Incidentally, I’m told it used to be a mortal sin for a priest to go out to say mass without his biretta on…
Check with Father Z’s site for rules for wearing birettas. I think he calls it biretiquette! He has good advice for enthusiastic seminarians (the only kind we want, of course). My prayers go out to all of the young people who are trying to follow the call of the Lord.

I think that the last time I saw a saturno was when one was worn by Fr. Guido Sarducci, the character of a correspondant for Saturday Night Live at the Second Vatican Council. Every time I hear the word “saturno,” I think of those skits. I am sure that none of you young guys remember them, but they were funny. We have to keep our sense of humor! In all seriousness, I am glad that many seminarians today would like to return to the custom of priests wearing distinctive clothing in public so that they cab be recognized as priests.
I would hope that Pope Francis’ simplification of papal attire would filter down and become a positive influence on those who might be too concerned with “dress-up.” One of the Holy Father’s most famous statements was calling on priests to be “shepherds living with the smell of the sheep” – which to my way of thinking calls into question concern with little capes and black poms.
No, we aren’t permitted to wear birettas in the minor (opn.) seminary, although we may wear cassock during the liturgy …😃

Cassock, birettas …
My opinion is that priest who doesn’t wear his cassock (at least clergy-colar shirt) isn’t truly priest …
And you can be real Christ’s servant with the smell of the sheep even and especially in the cassock.

God bless you all,
In Christ, brother,
My opinion is that priest who doesn’t wear his cassock (at least clergy-colar shirt) isn’t truly priest …
And you can be real Christ’s servant with the smell of the sheep even and especially in the cassock.
The collar does not make the priest. To put it another way, wearing a cassock or collar isn’t going to make someone into something their not. The reverse is also true a priest can be a true servant of Christ and smell of their flock without ever wearing a collar or a cassock.
The collar does not make the priest. To put it another way, wearing a cassock or collar isn’t going to make someone into something their not. The reverse is also true a priest can be a true servant of Christ and smell of their flock without ever wearing a collar or a cassock.
My dear Brother in Christ!

That’s true… Priest with or without of cassock is still consecrated servant. But why you wouldn’t wear cassock or collar if you have to wear Directory for priests above number 66 (see number 66)?

What are you afraid? Many saints died because of cassock, they didn’t afraid nobody except God …
That’s real obedience to Holy Mother Church and Our Lord.

After ordination “it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20)!

In Christ, our Lord,
brother Attempto
I would hope that Pope Francis’ simplification of papal attire would filter down and become a positive influence on those who might be too concerned with “dress-up.” One of the Holy Father’s most famous statements was calling on priests to be “shepherds living with the smell of the sheep” – which to my way of thinking calls into question concern with little capes and black poms.
I think you raise an important point. There’s nothing wrong with being excited about a clerical vocation, but there are so many more important and central things to that vocation to be excited about and focusing on.
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