Given the scarcity of NFP instuctors in your area, here is an internet web site that has a NFP discussion forum moderated by certified NFP instructor who has a BS in biology and MS in human physiology background; she also will answer email questions for more specific concerns:How good are we informed about NFP? As good as a normal christian out there: very little. But as a normal christian we did not find the place where to get help so far.
Sara Fox Peterson: a stay-at-home mom and certified teacher of the Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning. She holds a BS in biology and an MS in human physiology, both from Georgetown University, and lives in Maryland with her husband and two sons.
**Looking for more information on Natural Family Planning? Visit our Natural Family Planning Resource Center.
For additional ‘cyber-support’ you are also most welcome to join in the discussions in the Catholic Mom Community’s NFP Forum - http://p205.ezboard.com/fcatholicmomcommunityfrm63
*copyright 2004 Sara Fox Peterson :*Sara can be contacted by email at sfp@thosepetersons.com - please indicate “NFP” in the subject line of your email.