Karin… Maybe the woman (I metioned earlier) should have had a crystal ball and then she could seen her future, and use BC so people like you should not be burdened by such people. As for your question, no, she does not work, do you know what daycare for a 18 month old, a set of 3 year old twins and after school care for a 5 year old child in half day Kindergarten would cost?, more money then she makes! (they make to much money to get help with daycare) No relatives either to watch them Mother is dead. Aunts live far away, and friends, they have there own children and/or childcare worries. Yes, I agree some people abuse the system, but as the human race (see, I did not metion Religion so you can’t throw this back in our faces) But as decent human beings we can not turn our back on others or scornfully look at them as if they are dirt below your feet. People like you see the medicaid card pulled out in an office and right away you summed up that person in one word—TRASH, am I right? **ACTUALLY NO… ** I am right, because the way you are posting here is full of hate and disgust of your fellow human being who is down on his/her luck.**ONCE AGAIN PERHAPS IF YOU READ…I AM DISGUSTED WITH PEOPLE THAT ABUSE THE SYSTEM NOT PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY NEED THE SYSTEM- THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!!/**QUOTE]
No hate and disgust for the fellow man down on his luck…what I have disgust for is the people that abuse the welfare system! If you honestly need it like blindsheep and your friends than I have no issues with that, that is what it is therE for!