Bishop Barron - The Mass - deeply disappointed

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Let me begin by saying I completely understand your “strong” (an understatement) desire to find something from within the Church to bring some spark of attraction in your daughters toward the Holy Faith of the Church. And Bp Barron is certainly a “rising star” in the Church here in America. He has a big following, and many have high hopes in his “star power” to reinvigorate the sleepy and lukewarm in the Church - and to attract also those outside, to come in. Bp Barron presents a face for the Church that many think, and hope, is what we need in the “New Evangelization.”

So I think I can understand the depth of your disappointment, and grief. I too have family members with no interest in the Catholic Faith - it brings a profound sorrow, it touches something so deep as to be indescribable. The suffering that this arrow in the back, piercing into the heart, brings can - if we hold fast to faith, and to trust - help us to understand a little of what Jesus felt with the rejection of HIs own in this world.
Mt 23:37 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, … How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!
I urge you, however, to seek even more zealously, in this trial, to grow even closer to - and into - the Lord, yourself. The Church needs, most of all in this time, I believe, not camera-ready “stars”, but truly holy witnesses of the New Life that only God can give to human persons.

There are two kinds of faith. The kind that is the result of men will remain on the surface, where it originates, where it can easily be lost. The kind that endures, that is built on the Rock, is the result of God Himself: “Only God can give God.” Seek to grow in your faithfulness to supernatural holy faith, and in supernatural hope and in supernatural and divine charity, that your witness in this dark world may truly be the light - like the stars in the darkest night sky - that honors God and draws the lost to Him.

And pray! Pray for us all. As the faithful are praying for you.
I’m not sure I"m a big fan of Bishop Barron. Sometimes he’s Ok, but other times he leaves me feeling rather nebulous about my faith. Is he afraid to make definitive statements? I didnt see this one on the Mass so it might be better than the ones Ive seen. He is well read and broadly read I might add, a real intellectual which I like about him. I’d like to see him speak more strongly without fear of offending.
Maybe I overreacted
Not maybe, definitely. The DVD isn’t all you hoped it would be. But do you know how much free material there is out there (including Catholic Answers)? Do you know how much free material Bishop Barron puts out? It is right that we who benefit from it contribute to those who produce this. Write off the money as a contribution to Bishop Barron’s otherwise great work.
I’ve heard others say the opposite - that he sometimes lacks charity and can sound dismissive. Admittedly, I’ve sometimes wondered if he came out too strongly. If I remember correctly, he went on quite the rant when presented with the whole argument of religion being the “opiate of the masses”.

Still, I generally love his content and look forward to his podcast every Monday morning.
Wasn’t about the money. I’m a bit old for lectures. Watch the first two segments followed by “The Eucharist” and you may see what I mean by bait and switch.

But thank you.
BTW - I have, as you said, written of the money as a contribution. And, again, I agree Bishop Barron is a tremendous asset to our faith. But someone should have taken a closer look at how this was produced.

K, enough said on this one.
Have you tried the Symbolon series?

You can watch it free on and you can get a 1 week free subscription to there.

I highly recommend it and then I also highly all the other programs in

God Bless

BTW - due to the success of the Catholicism series, I think Bishop Barron has been pressured to release more programs. But filming those is expensive, so I think his team decided to finalize & sell some of his older talks which were videotaped in order to raise funds to produce more Catholicism episodes.

God Bless
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Yes, I am certain the intentions were all good. As someone in this thread suggested, I probably put too much emphasis on hoping one DVD/Talk/whatever will convert my loved ones. Unreasonable expectation I realize. But I can’t stop hoping.

Thanks for the suggestion < I will most certainly check it out.
Augustine Institute is really setting the bar for Catholic content.
The Liturgy is the highest form of catechesis. The beautiful Extraordinary Form explained…

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