It is something that should be cured. A spiritual disease, if you will. Calling it something “nice” and “personal” is not beneficial. Why not just call them people with SSD? I don’t walk around saying I am a heterosexual or I am straight.Im not so sure about that, perhaps the bishop is just using the dictionary definition, rather than one that has been proposed by someone, and not accepted as a real definition. Many would think of homosexual as being very technical and impersonal, making it seem more like a detestable disease, not as if there is a person behind it.
I never say “I’m straight”. I see no reason to make that proclamation.It is the same reason for a person saying “I’m straight” rather than “Im heterosexual”, or any other terms.
God’s Church will take care of the chaste individuals with a same-sex attraction. One document will not make or break them. That is the beauty of the Church. The media spin on a document doesn’t change it’s content nor the pastoral actions of Vatican officials. Obedience and trust in His Church are necessary here.I agree with many of the points here, however thereis concern that chaste homosexuals may be denied into priesthood etc, isn’t there. Perhaps, rather than being afraid of the document being wrong, they are just concerned that a document will not truly reflect the realism of the church, that some homosexuals, whist having caused problems, many have been brilliant priests, maybe there is concern this may not be seen or reflected.