Bishop Schneider releases essay ‘on the question of the true Pope’

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I don’t usually follow discussions on this topic, and I know that there are people on this forum who do not like LifeSiteNews, but before we all get our knickers in a twist, I just wanted to point out that the entire text of this article is a message from a Catholic bishop.

The AB owes the Holy Father his respect and obedience.
To write a public letter like this is the height of hubris. . . .
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The AB owes the Holy Father his respect and obedience.
To write a public letter like this is the height of hubris. The AB should be ashamed of himself
I see no disrespect for our Holy Father Pope Francis in the article. Correct me if I am wrong but I do not see in your response proper respect for the Archbishop.
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With respect, did you READ the letter? Because if you had, you would have seen that the bishop did NOT pronounce Pope Francis as heretical, did NOT state that anyone in fact COULD do so, and only asked for prayer by all the Faithful in these times which most certainly I think most people would agree are dark.

The Archbishop has nothing to be ashamed of. He after all did not jump to conclusions and leap to chide somebody for ‘disrespect’ but rather sought to allay fear, give full and accurate information as a bishop, and asked for prayer.
I’ve just finished reading the article - an excellent and balanced and educational one explaining how a Pope could lose the office of the papacy and how clearly that hasn’t happened, citing various theological opinions in the past, how this actually does happen, how the Church is protected but also stated past events of papal correction ie St. Bridged of Sweden and St. Catherine of Siena.

He also covered the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI resignation and the election of Pope Francis to dispel doubts about the validity of each.

Good article.
I wonder if for some, the mere mention of a name, or a website, brings a Pavlovian reaction.
You know, like, “Can anything good come out of LifeSite?” Or, can anything said by THAT person be anything other than wrong or hateful?”
He is a bishop, not an archbishop. Regardless, I disagree…his letter is a breath of fresh air after all the cries of “anti-pope!” and “Benedict XVI is the true pope!” that I’ve seen in certain traditionalist circles (certainly some of that sentiment crops up on Fr Z’s blog among his readers I’ve noticed). Bishop Schneider is rejecting this movement in the traditionalist community…he is essentially saying “you may question the Holy Father’s orthodoxy, but he remains the Pope, and there is no value in questioning the legitimacy of his papacy nor the legitimacy of Benedict’s resignation”.
I think that hes a little more educated on the matter than you. Shame on you for speaking with such disrespect towards the bishop.
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Wow, just read the full title on the article (after clicking link), and whooooooooa. I mean, wow. No one can say that the Catholic news world is anything short of the most interesting in the world. Talk about heavy drama.

Okay, continuing…


🙂 Oh, this is excellent. I think people will misunderstand the direction Bishop Schneider takes on this, from the title! Y’all, this essay is not an attack on Pope Francis. In fact, the bishop goes out of his way to address this question (which is legimately on many minds), and points out that it is only the mere opinion of some individuals, and not magisterial teaching, that a Pope can automatically lose his office for heresy. This is actually a defence of Pope Francis. Bishop Schneider explicitly concludes that Benedict’s renunciation of the Petrine office is legitimate, and Francis is the true pope.

This is actually a great essay. Cool.
With respect, brother, did you even read the letter? This essay is a defence of Pope Francis. In it, Bishop Schneider addresses speculation that Pope Francis may be an illegitimate pope (which is useful for him to address since such speculation is on the minds of many faithful, in this unusual circumstance of a pope emeritus still living), and he concludes that such speculation is unjustified.

Bishop Schneider explicitly concludes that Pope Francis is the true pope. Perhaps in future, you might try actually reading a news article before jumping to assumptions and getting angry and judgemental based on a mere headline.
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None so blind as those who will not see, sadly. I find your attitude toward a bishop of the Church more than distasteful.
And I find the attitude of a few select Bishop’s toward Pope Francis to be distasteful.
But we aren’t talking about Pope Francis, are we. You don’t get to play, “I can say bad things about Bishop Schneider because ‘a select unnamed few’ supposedly have a distasteful attitude toward Pope Francis.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

It is very sad when Catholics are so blinded by their ‘distaste’ toward another Catholic, whether priest or laity, that they allow themselves to make the same kind of hateful and distasteful statements about others that they are vociferously condemning when made regarding ‘their’ favorite, and try to EXCUSE those statements by a juvenile, “They said mean things TOO” attitude. Instead of owning their errors, realizing they have the ‘plank in their eye’ while they’re complaining about the ‘speck’ in their brother’s eye.
If any priest or Bishop would have publically criticized JP II or BXVI, the way some have criticized Pope Francis, many people on the forum would be losing their minds.
Just proves to me more and more that Francis is doing exactly the right thing.
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From the article:

“Declaring Pope Francis to be an invalid pope, either because of his heresies or because of an invalid election (for reasons of alleged violations of the Conclave norms or for the reason that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope because of his invalid renunciation) are desperate and subjectively taken actions aimed at remedying the current unprecedented crisis of the papacy.

Would those of you who are okay with the article please explain what is meant by the part I bolded? What is the unprecedented crisis of the papacy?
I would say that, due to the state of the world itself and its marked ‘post Christian’ outlook, the decline of the Faith in Europe, the effects of mass media, and the worries of the ordinary Christian who is exposed to far more ‘instant knowledge’ as well as lots of disinformation, that many Christians are falling away from the Faith, which is certainly an unprecedented crisis for the Papacy, as the Pope is trying to lead the Church under his care to Christ.
Wouldn’t that be the crisis of the Church though, not the papacy? This decline in people attending to their faith has been going on for years before this pope or even the last few.
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