I went back and read it again, I see one reference to “his heresies”. That one reference is referring to people who are declaring Francis to be an invalid poor, and cannot be interpretted as the Arch Bishop’s thoughts. Every other reference us “a pope”.Why does the author repeatedly refer to Pope Francis’ “heresies.”
Both supporters and those in opposition to Pope Francis must admit we have a current crisis: people are calling into question, on a significant scale The Holy Father’s legitimacy. And while there are reasonable criticisms of Francis, the questioning if he is pope is a crisis.Tell me this, what is the " current crisis in the Church under Pope Francis" referred to in the article?
Do I think it is an “unorecedent crisis if the papacy”? No, that one phrase was overstated.
One cannot help but chuckle at LifeSiteNews publishing this letter. They likely thought, as you do, it is a subtle attack on Francis. A careful reading of it makes it clear that it us an admonition aimed at many of the Holy Father’s critics, telling them they have gone too far. The fact that this is written by a bishop who has been a critic of the Holy Father lends it much credence in my mind.
One cannot read the following paragraph and interpret as anything but a rebuke to some of Francis’s critics:
“Declaring Pope Francis to be an invalid pope, either because of his heresies or because of an invalid election (for reasons of alleged violations of the Conclave norms or for the reason that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope because of his invalid renunciation) are desperate and subjectively taken actions aimed at remedying the current unprecedented crisis of the papacy. They are purely human and betray a spiritual myopia. All such endeavors are ultimately a dead end, a cul-de-sac. Such solutions reveal an implicit Pelagian approach to resolving a problem with human means; a problem, indeed, which cannot be resolved by human efforts, but which requires a divine intervention.”
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